Saturday, 26 September 2020

What are the Key Elements in Hindu Astrology?

The world is full-fledged with natural beauty. The building blocks of nature are space, air, fire, water, and earth. These five elements are the foundation of the physical world. Understating the behavior of elements provides deep insight in yourself and other natures act as well as the world around you. All five elements occur in the world and also in every individual life.


Signs of five elements:


Fire is the element of the sign of Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries. Along with these the fire exits in the sun, moon, and south node of the moon and finally Ketu. Air is the element of libra, Gemini, Rahu, and Aquarius, the north node of the moon. Earth is the element of Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus. Water Is the element of Scorpio, pieces, cancer, and the moon. In Vedanta, all the five elements are emulated with the one basic vibration of Om.



 Qualities of five-element:


Every element has a specific quality. The earth helps us to attain some helping tendency in the present but too much earth quality makes us feel stuck. Air offers unlimited creativity and tremendous ability to connect unrelated things with powerful results. Take the air quality to a limited amount otherwise you might face struggles.


The water element connects us with the other people and progress to go in a flow of life. Fire gives us motivation, inspiration, and drive to do things. Take it in a limited amount otherwise, you could lead to create, destroy, or heal. Too many fire burns offer frustration and anger.


In every life, space is needed for each of the elements to flow and function properly. The elemental tendency and strength depend upon the individual signs and house of the planet.

Consult the best astrologer in Delhi and learn the facts of five elements in Hindu astrology.


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