Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Story of Aries – The Flying Ram



The first sign of zodiac, ruled by the Mars, belonging to the element of Fire, Aries is one of the most active zodiac sign. They are courageous, determined and optimistic. They always look for competition. They are dynamic, they don’t like a boring life style. Get to know more about the first zodiac from the famous astrologer in Delhi.



The one with the most organizational skills. You won’t find an Aries who cannot multitask. They like to take up challenges. They make their aggression a driving force while completing a work.Strong personalities born under this sign have a task to fight for their goals, embracing togetherness and teamwork through this incarnation.

Aries is a cardinal sign that kicks off not only the spring season but also the entire zodiac wheel. Astrologers believe that each sign learns the lessons absorbed by its preceding signs, both joyful and painful. In the case of Aries, however, there is no inherited wisdom: Aries leads with blind optimism, barrelling through life and jumping through obstacles as if it’s a cake walk!


Aries have an explosive anger, though they calm down easily but it’s better to avoid them when they are angry. Apart from it the rams are cheerful, social, exuberant and live their life to the fullest.


Love and Sex:

Aries is a fire sign with the need to take initiative when it comes to romance. When they fall in love, they will express their feelings to the person they are in love with, without even giving it a considerable thought. The compatibility of Aries with other signs of the zodiac is very complex. Aries in love may shower their loved one with affection, sometimes even an excess of it, forgetting to check the information they get in return. They are very passionate, energetic and love adventures. An Aries is a passionate lover, sometimes even an addict to pleasures of the flesh and sexual encounters.


With their opposing sign being Libra, the sign of relating, tact, and diplomacy, it is the furthest point from their natural personality. This can present a problem in their romantic experience, for they don't seem to have enough patience and focus on their partner, as much as they do on the passionate approach they always nurture. They have to embrace all matters of Venus, with all of its love, tenderness, joy, peaceful satisfaction, and foreplay. Still, their partner should keep in mind that they need the adrenaline and excitement every day, and their relationship can only be strong and long lasting if their primal needs are met.


Friends and Family:

Friends: They are very social and outgoing. They encounter with new people very often and their openness help them to get in contact with different people. They are a good company and people love their presence. Still they strike down people off their life who come close to them for selfish motives and unclear intentions. Long-time friendship comes to them only if the other person is energetic and willing to show the real self to them.


Family: From a very small age they are clear about their desires. They are independent and ambitious. They know where to go at a young age, separating from their family quite early. As children they are hard to control, if they don’t receive love and care from their parents. They get very angry if they are controlled too much.


Career and Money:

This is the field where the ram shines the most. The working environment is ideal for the Aries. They are a natural team leader. They like to lead instead of taking orders.Their speed of mind and vast energy to move helps them to always be one step ahead of everyone else. All they need to do in order to succeed is follow their chosen path and not give up on professional plans guided away by emotions. When faced with a challenge, an Aries will quickly assess the situation and come to a solution. Competition does not bother them and instead encourages them to shine even brighter. They can have great careers in sports and challenging environments, and enjoy their chosen path as managers, policemen, soldiers etc.


They believe in “Carpe diem” without thinking about the future. But in due process sometimes they over estimate things and they mess them up. Still, they seem to always find a way to earn money and compensate for what they have spent, in a natural flow of energy that needs to come back when invested wisely.



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