Saturday, 13 February 2021

Why Can a Famous Astrologer in Delhi Help You with Your Manglik Dosha?


Being a Mangalik could be very difficult for many, especially in terms of marriages and marriage arrangements. In India, there are certain things that Indians look for in a partner, and a person with Mangala Dosha or Mangalik could be a sure deal breaker. Going to a famous astrologer in Delhi could help you deal with these issues.

If you are wondering whether you are one or not, then you’d need the help of an expert would help you understand if you are one. Furthermore, if you are one, then they’d help you to find remedies to get out of the situation.


What is a Mangalik?

As per astrology, Mangalik people are those who are born under the influence of Mars. The term “Mangla dosha” actually means the effect of mars. Such people are known as Mangalik or Manglik.

As per Hindu traditions and thoughts, such people are known to effect their spouses heavily. In other words, an unfavourable planetary condition in the horoscope could lead to such doshas. Furthermore, these situations are known to be disastrous for other people.

In this case, a Mangalik would be able to wed a Mangalik. However, for a Mangalik to wed a non-Mangalik would become disastrous. Mangalik dosha people are known to have adverse effects on their partners, which is why pairs with one Manglik dosha and a non-Mangalik person are not accepted or addressed in the world.


When are you a Mangalik?

For a person to be a Mangalik, the effect of Mars should be in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house of the horoscope of the person.


Can Mangalik Dosha be removed?

Most people feel that Mangalik Dosha is something that cannot be removed and is absolute. However, with the help of a talented astrologer, you can remove the dosha. As this can affect both men and women, it is important to reduce and remedy the same before.


Here is how astrologers can help you:

Astrologers would look at your horoscope before they tell you anything, If you go to an astrologer to understand if you have it or not, the astrologer would look at your horoscope and then tell you.

The astrologers inspect the planetary positions, which help them understand the root of your dosha. Once they understand everything about your dosha’s beginning, they would provide you with a good measure. These act as effective remedies to cure your Mangalik Dosha.

Although you can make use of an online calculator to figure out details, you’d need expert help first.

Remedies for Mangalik Dosha depend on your horoscope and the planetary positions. Many astrologers recommend Kumbh Vivah to remedy the same. This would happen between a person and the tree, which would eliminate the effect of mars.
Furthermore, many astrologers suggest Mangalik Dosha people to worship Lord Hunuman on Tuesdays, which would help them to reduce and nullify the ill effects of mars.


Some Facts about Mangalik Dosha:

Mangalik Dosha people can become highly competitive, which can affect their married life as well. Hence it is important to cure it.

Occupation of different houses by Mars could have a different reaction to your life, you could face issues in marriages, in career or in relationships.

With that said, you should look for an astrologer who can help you to find the correct remedies. Best astrologer in delhi would help you to understand the issues you face, and will allow you to make the most of your situation. Furthermore, they will help you to create a better a life for yourself.


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