Saturday, 1 May 2021

Dreams or Illusions? Where Does One Stand in Reality?


One of the best astrologers of India said that a person can stop writing but planets can never stop. It is evident that several changes already happened this year that were significant, and plenty of new changes can happen in the future. We, humans, have a bad tendency to criticize our own people on their mistakes however can we really consider the underlying issue causing the problems and issues?


It is necessary to admit that each individual has a desire or dream for a better future. There's one factor that creates a distinction when we daydream or conjure grandiose illusions to our thoughts. it's good to dream for a better future but how much it will correlate with reality should be analyzed well in advance.


In each horoscope, there are some good and unhealthy planets according to the best astrologer in India . The North Node of the Moon referred to as rahu (Vedic term) is that one that causes illusions. One will experience serious desires that cannot be fulfilled with certain resources or reality.


Such needs will touch their peak once rahu is accompanied with Venus. the planet Venus signifies beauty and luxuries. Venus brings all kinds of worldly desires that are typically out of one’s reach and many times it becomes difficult to show them into a reality.



Few details which can make such combination:


1. Firstly, much depends on Rahu’s placement in one ‘s horoscope. It provides neutral to positive results if placed in the first, 6th, 9th, or 11th, house. whatever the state of rahu is, good or bad, if placed in the houses then dangerous results will not happen because it loses all its negativity. If rahu is placed in other houses apart from those mentioned above, then illusions and fantasy will occur.


2 Rahu’s main transit lasts for 18 years and 7 months. It will bring negative impacts if rahu has an unfriendly combination with another planet throughout its transit. If it's combined with another planet that is negatively impacting you, then rahu can act as a steroid for that planet and increase its power.


3. Placement of the Moon will bring negative emotions. Combined with rahu will increase the negative influence on it. because of rahu, the Moon becomes weak and might give undesirable thought processes, daydreaming or some kind of fear.


4. Negative Mercury and Jupiter in one’s horoscope and their connection with rahu in any type will create such needs.



It's necessary to say that rahu doesn’t bring negative results in each horoscope. It's typically considered an evil mind but, in some cases, it acts as a win-win situation. All politicians, celebrities, foreign traders, stock markets traders, bureaucrats, gamblers, dealers, etc. enjoy the positive effects of rahu in their horoscope.


To dream for a better future isn't considered as a sin but to dream with closed eyes won’t bring success. Several mixtures will arise between Rahu because it is based on permutation and combination approach and mentioning each above is not possible as they vary with each horoscope said the best astrologer in India .


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