Saturday, 31 July 2021

Vedic Astrology: A Path of Self Knowledge

Vedic Astrology or Jyotish is an important part of all Vedic teachings, so it is a different aspect of knowledge according to the famous astrologer in Kolkata. Vedic astrology is more different than other astrology and jyotish, it approaches Vedic astrology as a way of self-knowledge, self-healing and self-realization through yoga.


Vedic Astrology and Self-knowledge:


Vedic astrology or Jyotish  is an integral part of all Vedic teachings as it is one of the most important aspects of Vedic knowledge. Yet we approach Vedic astrology in a way that may be different from what many groups do, which is to use Jyotish to simply tell a person’s fortune or predict events in their outer lives. We approach Vedic astrology as a way of Self-knowledge, Self-healing and Self-realization through Yoga, Ayurveda and Vedanta – providing insight on how to understand our karmas, work with them and transcend them. Vedic astrology is an important, if not essential tool of Vedic counseling, as it helps us understand our karmas in life and how to best address and transcend them.


We have been critical of the superficial fortune telling that can go on under the name of astrology, East or West. That is not the authentic Vedic approach, and often creates fear or false expectations in the mind of clients. Vedic knowledge teaches that our inner being and higher Self transcends time and karma, but to reach it we must properly harmonize our manifestation in body and mind – learning how to understand our karmas, not just pursue personal happiness. The Vedic chart helps us understand not only our karmas at birth but how these unfold over time through its sophisticated set of dashas or planetary periods.


Predictive and Counseling Models of Vedic Astrology:


Vedic astrology today is dominated by two main lines of interpretation; the first is predictive, while the second is counseling based. Each has its place.


While Vedic astrology can help us understand important trends in our lives, it does not embrace fatalism, nor make the correct timing of our outer events the most significant factor in how we live. As immortal souls we are not slaves of any outer destiny and can learn to adjust our karmic energies and engagements for a greater creativity and awareness.


We all come under certain karmic influences, both individual and collective that affect our lives, sometimes in dramatic manner, some of which may be unavoidable. Yet we also have an ability to adapt to these influences – and through a higher consciousness utilize them in a spiritually transformational direction. Human life is a creative and spiritual unfoldment; it is not simply a working out of mechanical forces, like a ball rolling down a hill that cannot choose which way to go. If we develop a higher awareness through meditation our well-being will not be determined by mere transient outer events.


The Vedic counseling approach to Vedic astrology helps us understand the planetary influences operating in our lives and the various times at which they will likely predominate. This is not to blindly accept them as fate but to learn how to adjust to their energies in an optimal manner, like adjusting to the seasons in our outer lives. Our bodies reflect our doshas of Vata, Pitta and Kapha as explained in Ayurvedic medicine. Our minds reflect the gunas of sattva, rajas and tamas as explained in Yoga philosophy. Our lives reflect our karmas as explained in Vedic astrology. Yet our true Self or Atman transcends body, mind and karma.



Scope of Vedic Astrological Counseling:


Vedic astrology forms an important counseling model because it is the only Vedic discipline that has tools for examining all the main goals of life as Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha, as well as the underlying Arogya or physical and mental health necessary to pursue them. That is why astrology is said to be the eye of the Vedas and the guide for all Vedic practices.


Ayurveda focuses on Arogya; it deals with it in a more immediate and effective manner than Vedic astrology, but Vedic astrology may better reveal long term health trends or disease potentials than an Ayurvedic examination.


Yoga and Vedanta orient us to Moksha or the liberation of consciousness in a direct manner, but Vedic astrology also helps us understand our readiness or timing for its pursuit, which may not be suitable for everyone.Vedic management deals more appropriately with Artha as the goals and wealth that we wish to achieve, but Vedic astrology shows important trends and timing issues here also.


Vedic teachings on Dharma address our life purpose and action in a primary way, but Vedic astrology shows our potentials, hidden capacities and possible changes in this area as well.



In short, Vedic astrology as the eye of the Vedas helps us understand the different aspects of our lives and provides us a good overview of their development. It can help us understand which Vedic disciplines may be most needed for us at any particular period of time, particularly as our world moves into a greater period of civilizational crisis in the twenty-first century.



Vedic astrology provides a comprehensive overview that supports any type of Vedic counseling, Vedic educational approaches, or Vedic treatment measures. That is why it is important for every individual to have his or her Vedic chart examined by an astrologer trained in deeper Vedic values and insights through Yoga and Vedanta, practicing Jyotish as a sadhana.



The true role of the best astrologers of India is that of a life counselor, helping us understand not only the outer movement of our lives, but the more important inner movement and spiritual development behind it. For this we need a deeper level of guidance, inspiration and motivation. The true Jyotishi aids us in Self-knowledge and can guide us on the spiritual path with respect for our karma.


There can be positive changes in life unless we develop Self-knowledge – knowledge of who we truly are at the level of inner consciousness, not simply as outer personalities. Vedic astrology interpreted rightly helps us connect with our inner being or higher Self – that is its true purpose as is the case with all Vedic disciplines.


It directs us to rituals, mantras and meditation practices to help us address the karmic limitations in our birth chart and unfold our higher aspiration. Vedic astrology has as its true goal the higher knowledge, not simply making us more successful as an ego in the material world by the help of the best astrologer in Kolkata.

Friday, 23 July 2021

The World Mother in Vedic Astrology

'Mahadevi' , the epitome of power has many names and forms in jyotish. The Vedic  astrological science of light. The range of her influence towards planets, signs, nakshatra and phases of the moon according to the best astrologer in kolkata. She governs over the whole of time as past present, future and beyond of all.


As the supreme Mother she cannot be confined into a single planet or astrological indication. Her  impact occurs on many levels and in many dimensions and colouring all the forces of energy. She possesses all the forms faminine nature and as well as all the forces and creativity of light. This is introduced by the best astrologers of Delhi.


In a general sense, zodiacal signs in even numbers are associated with the Goddess. These are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces and Pisces, where Venus is exalted, has a notable feminine energy and grants emotional sensitivity, creativity, imagination and caring. Capricorn and its crocodile (Makara) are associated with Ma Ganga, the great river, and with Mother India as a country, particularly North India, while Virgo is associated more with South India.


 Relative to the Moon, however, its influence in a sign varies by its phase. The full Moon will energize the signs more with lunar qualities that will the new Moon.


 In addition, whatever sign that feminine planets like Venus or the Moon are transiting, while having their feminine qualities emphasized.


In Vedic symbolism, all the Nakshatras are generally regarded as feminine and the Moon as masculine, so all the Nakshatras have feminine names. The Moon in its movement unites with their energies. Nakshatras are ruled by specific deities from the older Vedic pantheon. Each of these Nakshatra deities has a feminine counterpart or Shakti.


 In addition, Specific Nakshatras are connected to the Great Goddess. Notably, she relates to the Nakshatras in Scorpio and Sagittarius that mark the Milky Way region by the Galactic center, as well as those opposite in the zodiac in the sign of Taurus according to the famous astrologer in Kolkata.

Thursday, 22 July 2021

Uplift Your Mood According to the Moon Sign

The Vedic astrology says that the moon is a very important planet as it impacts humans a lot. A well placed moon can give a native absolute power and vice versa according to the best astrologer in India.

So knowing your moon sign can help you to know why you have such random mood swings and all.


The moon Sign is basically a sign in which the moon is positioned in the kundli. It tells a lot about liking and disliking, indicating all the moods and controlling the behaviour. In fact kundli matching is also done taking into consideration Moon sign and moon nakshatra only according to the best astrologer in India.


A string moon can make to believe in everything which is good and an afflicted moon can cause you even suicide. Depression is a very common word now and it is also controlled by the position of the moon.

 Moon conjunction with another planet will also affect your mood. For example, the moon with the sun in the kundli makes the moon weak so the people can suffer from medical issues.


Aries - moon is comfortable in Aries sign as its lord Mars is friendly with moon. An Aries person if feeling dull and low should go in for some physical activity to feel alive and good.


Taurus - moon is exalted in this sign so it’s a happy place for moon. They know their preferences and have a stable mind. A good night sleep is the best solution to uplift their mood the next day. Also they can indulge in a spa or eat a good meal to get your act together.  


Gemini - moon is in Mercury’s sign. It is said that the moon is the mother and Mercury is the son. They need communication with a friend to enhance their mood. An exchange of dialogue and meeting minds is the best solution for them.  


Cancer - moon is its own sign in cancer. They pick up energies from those around them so they should devote a portion of the day to themselves and do activities like cooking to cool down and make their mood bright. 


Leo - the moon is in the sun's sign. The native has a strong sense of leadership that needs nurturing and love. So if their mood is not too great, they should sit among people who give them attention and the king will be back in action in no time.


Virgo - moon is in Mercury’s sign. The native with this moon sign love routine and do everything with detail so for breaking that monotony they should indulge in hobbies that are fun and not very strenuous.  


Libra - moon is in Venus sign. The native has to realise that you cannot be in harmony with everyone all the time as they do not like conflict at all. There are bad days and to uplift their mood they should paint, play an instrument, do craft or make a collage.  


Scorpio - moon is in Mars sign. They find it extremely hard to trust someone and open up. They are very private but once open to someone; they give the gift of permanent loyalty. The best way for them to get rid of stress is to sit alone and in peace. They will come back rejuvenated.  


Sagittarius - moon is in Jupiter’s sign. The native wants freedom and does not like it when they are bound to any people or obligations. The best way to relieve stress for them is to go for a vacation or a change of scenery, even if only for a few hours. It helps them a great deal.  


Capricorn - moon is in Saturn’s sign. The native is very hard working and wants to create something that lasts for generations. They should give time to daily self-care rituals to relieve stress as they get too busy with their work.  


Aquarius - moon is in Saturn’s sign. They are the most adjusting sign in the whole zodiac. They are mostly in service to people and help others. They should indulge in the inner child and do something adventurous to uplift their mood. 


Pisces - moon is in Jupiter’s sign. This dreamy moon sign is hard to pin down and read. They are empathetic and do care for others around them. They should wash off their stress by going for a swim or taking a shower. 


There are many ways to enhance your mood and make your mind bright according to your moon sign. Even the rising sign and sun sign makes a difference to your mind and characteristics.


To know more you should consult the famous astrologer in India.

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Favorable Day to Travel: by the Famous astrologer in Kolkata

The Vedic astrology says that a travel gets badly impacted by "Disha Shool" if it is done in the east direction on Monday and Saturday according to the famous astrologer in Kolkata.

Disha Shool means the troubles which can occur due to travel.

Disha Shool mainly occurs in the west direction on Sunday and Friday, same for North direction on Tuesday and Wednesday. It is as well as in the south direction on Thursday. So one must try to avoid this day according to the best astrologers of Kolkata.

The days and directions which are considered for best time to travel:

Monday for travelling in the South Direction.

Tuesday for travelling both in the East as well as South Directions.

Wednesday for travelling in the East as well as West Directions.

Thursday for travelling in all directions except the South.

Travels started on Friday evenings are considered auspicious.


Only travel back to home if required, is recommended on a Saturday and if possible, a travel on a Saturday is best avoided.

Sunday for travelling in the East Direction.


The days and directions which are considered unfavourable for travelling are:

Sunday: Travelling in the West Direction is considered inauspicious.

Monday: Travelling in the East Direction is considered inauspicious.

Tuesday: Travelling in the North Direction is considered inauspicious.

Wednesday: Travelling in the North Direction is considered inauspicious.

Thursday: Travelling in the South Direction is considered inauspicious.

Friday: Travelling in the West Direction is considered inauspicious.

Saturday: Travelling in the East Direction is considered inauspicious.


Remedies to prevent travel from Disha Shool are suggested by the best astrologers of Kolkata.


However if we accept some remedial measures that are prescribed then we can avoid some  hurdles or obstacles.


Sunday: Travel after eating Sugar & Curd (Sweet Yogurt) or Betel Leaf & Cardamom.

Monday: Travel after eating Kheer  and seeing yourself in a mirror.

Tuesday: Travel after eating Jaggery.

Wednesday: Travel after worshipping Lord Ganesh and drinking Milk.

Thursday: Travel after having Curd with Roasted Cumin.

Friday: Travel after having Milk or Sweet ‘Lassi’.

Saturday: Travel after eating ‘Urad Dal Khichdi’ (Rice & Black Gram Porridge) or ‘Immarti’.


Keep these pointers in mind and have safe, successful and prosperous travels in life by the help of the best astrologer in Kolkata!

Sunday, 18 July 2021

Solution of Marriage Problems by the Help of Vedic Astrology

Marriage is one of the most important aspects of life as it opens a different perspective of life. It brings innumerable changes in human's life as the responsibility changes. So there are many problems too and this can be avoided by Vedic astrology according to the best astrologer in Kolkata.


However not everyone is blessed with happy married people. Many people go through the problems.

So is there any rigid solution to all these marriage related problems?


Yes there is!


We must face the planetary cause behind the problems and act accordingly. The planets are the celestial bodies in any married life according to the best astrologer in Kolkata.


These karmic results provided by the planets significantly affect the various aspects of life. So to have a successful marriage life it is extremely important that they must have positive planetary influences backing them up.


Vedic astrology is one of the ancient sciences that decides the aspects of a planet in an individual's life and provides remedies that reduce the trouble.


Let us look into the malefic and benefic planets!


The malefic three!

There are three malefic planets that cause problems in various domains of a person's life.


Saturn : This planet is known to cause delay in one's marriage. It also reduces the element of love and romance that every married couple face after post marriage.


Rahu : This planet causes sudden loss of bliss and harmony from a person's married life and also for endless bickering and bitterness between the married couple.


Ketu: This creates an emotional void between the married couple that brings distraction.


The Benefic Two!

While there are three naturally malefic planets that negatively impact the marital domain of a native’s life, there are two naturally benefic planets as well that are considered extremely positive for one’s married life.


These Two Naturally Benefic Planets are:


Venus: This planet is the Natural Significator of Marriage and a strong & well placed Venus wards off the malefic planetary effects that negatively influence a person’s married life.


Jupiter: This planet when well placed in the Horoscope of even one among the married couple is considered extremely positive for childbirth and ensures a happy, blissful & prosperous married life for the couple.


The Dangerous One!

Mars or Mangal is one planet that is considered as extremely dangerous for the marital aspect of a person. An ill placed Mars in the Kundli or Horoscope of a person creates a Mangal Dosh or Manglik Dosha.


Mangal Dosh is basically a highly detrimental planetary flaw that gets generated by an ill placed Mars in a native’s Horoscope. It wreaks havoc in the married life of a person unless treated timely & properly by powerful Vedic Rituals or Remedies that are conducive to one’s Natal Horoscope according to the famous astrologer in Kolkata.