Thursday, 23 September 2021

What Will Happen If Uranus Retrograde?

This year, Uranus enters Aries and becomes stationary/retrograde according to the best astrologer in India. This is more of an outer world event, but it has the potential to cause unanticipated fire-related calamities such as volcanoes and forest fires because it is occurring in the sign of Aries, which is the sign of war, thus eruptions in Taiwan and other turbulent parts of the world are on the rise.


You may experience the effects if your planets are in 19-21 Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn. We're concerned about vulnerable volcanic locations like the Northwest or Yellow Stone, as well as the Midwest's New Madras fault.


You've undoubtedly noticed that something isn't quite right with the Covid story. Covid is, of course, genuine, although the death rate is low. Covid has a median infection fatality rate of about 0.26 percent. This is a proven fact. According to the great majority of medical research, this is the science.


Because 0.26 percent of the population could acquire more than sniffles and brain fog from a covid infection, the entire globe is being locked down and told we must give up our natural human freedoms. Why? With the Passport Vaccine plan and forced vaccine edicts surfacing, you have to ask whether this whole goal was about something else. 


If our society becomes a two-tiered world of the vexed and the unvaxed, isn’t this the highest form of discrimination and even worse than the way we treat minorities?


Uranus teaches us about independence and defiance said by the best astrologer in India. It doesn't have to be violent, and Gandhi and India have demonstrated how to utilize revolt in a nonviolent manner.


The United States was built on certain fundamental rights, and we should not go backward and dismantle the Bill of Rights over a virus that kills only.26% of the population. We must peacefully demonstrate and refuse to accept anything because things are only going to get worse.


We are not promoting violence, but rather working with our local and state governments to defend fundamental liberties. In Australia, where three states have been shut down for a month, the military is being used to suppress protesters, which amounts to martial law.


We are in the midst of World War 3 astrologically, and the 40-year war cycle predicted this. Unfortunately, it won't be over until April 2024, when Jupiter moves past Rahu in Aries. We've arrived at a fork in the road, and you must refuse medical tyranny. There are certain people who are unable to receive vaccinations due to allergies or severe reactions, and we now wish to provide booster injections.


Pfizer's annual report and profit predictions state that sales will rise as a result of booster injections, children's immunizations, and the ongoing global availability of its vaccines. What's the issue here?


One strategy is to stop supporting corporations that force medical vaccinations.  United Airlines today is requiring its employees to be vaccinated.  Many companies in the last week like Facebook and Microsoft came out with forced vaccination mandates.  It’s time to write these companies and let them know you will stop using their products.  CNN fired three employees for coming to work unvaccinated today.   


Since the primary strategy of the covid cult has been to work with larger corporations to demand proof of vaccination (vaccine passports). We must let these companies know in no uncertain terms that we will cut off all consumer support for their businesses. We will not work for them and we will not give them a penny of our money. Instead, we will approach smaller local businesses, find out if they are a part of the ‘We Will Not Comply’ campaign, and if they are, then we will support them instead. It’s time to teach these corporations a lesson and put them out of commission by removing our money and our labor from their pockets.



The rebellious urges tend to erupt and spring forth apparently out of nowhere when Uranus is retrograde in someone's chart (and it is 5 months of the year). Uranus retrograde transit is a 155-day cycle in which the planet traverses four degrees backward through the zodiac each year. This is a period of inner transformation as a result of external changes in your life. The vaxed and anti-vaxes, liberals and conservatives, and city tensions are all extremely polarised in our world right now. If you don't look past the duality, some of these tensions will explode.


We all want everyone to be like us, yet variety is what makes the world survive and expand. The media is more interested in creating fighting and oppositions rather than allowing the beautiful mosaic of diversity to blossom.  Whatever happened to friendly discussions where we are fine accepting alternative views and do not have to unfriend people or stop talking to them because of their beliefs?  What is wrong with our world?  There is plenty of room for multiple viewpoints in this world.


The Uranus retrograde may cause a lot of internal turmoil and resentment at the status quo, and it can easily burst in the sign of Aries according to the best astrologer in India. The person does not realize how much revolt is developing until it bursts during the bubbling phase.


On a personal level, Uranus may spark rebellion in any ruts that need to be broken in our lives. If you have planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn at 18-22 degrees, you may be more compelled to make drastic adjustments to get out of these ruts. You may experience tension, restlessness, and impulsiveness as a result of the shock in this life.

Internal instability can lead to anxiety disorders, spasms, neurotic behavior or rapid personality changes, or great spurts of inventive action, and rebellious behavior.

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