Monday, 11 April 2022

The Ketu: Is It the Astrological Family's Most Malefic Character?

Ketu represents the subtle energies that allow us to either transcend our karma or have to face the most powerful and dangerous karmas within us, either individually or collectively. We are facing a new astrological confrontation with Ketu today and the way is defined by the best astrologer in India.


Astronomically speaking, the best astrologers in India, Rahu and Ketu mark the nodes of the Moon or the points in the zodiac where eclipses of the Sun and Moon can occur. When the New Moon occurs in conjunction with one of the nodes a solar eclipse occurs. When the full Moon occurs in conjunction with one of the nodes, a lunar eclipse occurs. There are usually two sets of eclipses every year around six months apart. The nodes are not fixed but move backward in the zodiac in a 18.6 year cycle. The Moon takes 27 days to return to the same node.


Vedic astrology ascribes to Rahu a predominately Saturnian influence of a subtle nature, though with some shades of Mercury and Venus. It causes mental, emotional and nervous disorders at a personal level, and at a collective level mass confusion, media distortions, epidemics and illusions. Yet on the positive side it can provide fame, healing powers and good karma.


Powerful Ketu

Ketu is given a predominantly Mars influence of a subtle nature, though with some shades of Saturn. It causes wrong judgment, self-negativity, isolation, injury and poisons at a personal level, and at a collective level wars, revolutions, narrow, constricted or fanatic views. At a collective level today Ketu also represents mathematics, computers, research and technology, while Rahu represents the media, entertainment and the ability to influence the masses.


At the highest level Ketu gives spirituality, liberation and psychic insight including astrology and is the most important planet in the chart for indicating Self-realization. Ketu can be regarded as the most powerful,  spiritual influence in the chart. It is sometimes called the “terminator “as it brings things to an end. Ketu has a power of negation, which at the most extreme personal level is suicide and at the highest spiritual level is the liberation from body and mind or Nirvana. Ketu can show physical or psychological negation or death, or transcendence to a higher reality.


Ketu Takes us Beyond the Mind

Ketu gives inner powers of knowing, to see without an eye, hear without an ear, or breathe without the breath. Ketu is the indicator of great Yogis and sages at the highest level, including the opening of the third eye and crown chakras. Yet at a lower collective level Ketu indicates the forces of conflicting beliefs and values that lead to violence and conflict, stirring powerful subconscious emotions.


Ketu Today, Crossing the Galactic Center

Most notably we have seen the coronavirus pandemic. It is a strange name because Yet Rahu also joins this pandemic as its backward influence is on all the planets which are behind it in the zodiac back to Ketu. Yet even after September 2020 when Ketu retrogrades into Scorpio it will continue to be strong, though offer perhaps greater power for transformation for those who are open to its influence, with a new Kalasarpa Yoga forming early 2021. When Ketu crosses Jyeshta (Kali’s) star and Rahu crosses at the same time Rohini (Lakshmi’s star) this will allow the greatest possibility of change. This will be centered in June of 2021.


Ketu certainly can bring out narrow, ​fundamentalist and even violent beliefs, along with military action. It can cause self-destruction. Yet it can also bring in new insight, either at a scientific or technological level, or at a spiritual level of self-negation and a higher Self-realization.


In any case, its transit of Mula Nakshatra and the Galactic Center has drawn up the most important concerns of humanity and civilization, including our values, goals and identity. It will promote transcendence, which if we do not accept, can end in destruction. How we handle this Ketu energy in humanity today will color this century either with darkness or light, depending upon how we use it, particularly as it now moves into Scorpio according to the famous astrologer in India.

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