Sunday, 29 May 2022

Dur Graha Yoga – A Strength or Weakness?

Dur graha yoga is one of those yogs about which astrologers disagree. According to the best astrologer in India, Planetary positions might indicate the presence of good fortune or bad luck. In reality, this yoga can either elevate your life or make you an unethical individual! With a well-formed dur graha yoga, you can be successful in your work and finances. However, because Vedic astrology places a significant emphasis on karma and its consequences, your past actions may influence how dur yog impacts you. Let us take a closer look at this yoga and its benefits and weaknesses.

Negatives of Dur Yoga :


This style of yoga can either benefit or harm us. Dur graha yoga, for example, occurs when the lord of the tenth house is in the sixth, eighth, or tenth house from the horoscope's first house or ascendant. This kind of planetary alignment, according to Vedic astrology, is unlucky. A person born under this sign is unlikely to have a successful career. That instance, some astrologers believe that this sort of yoga has a negative effect on a person. Your profession may present you with challenges. Most significantly, you may not have a stable job and may rely on manual labour to survive.

They may normally be involved in immoral deeds. These people live in shame and disrespect. In fact, they may resort to harming someone for material gains. It is not a surprise to find smugglers, arms dealers or terrorists under the influence of this yoga!


Positive Yoga :


In horoscopes, Dur graha yoga is quite popular. In fact, it can be found in every fourth birth chart. A fascinating fact! Every fourth person we know or meet, on the other hand, cannot be evil. As a result, dur graha yoga isn't entirely bad. In other words, Hindu astrology is a representation of our karma. We may also benefit from good dur yoga as a result of positive karma. Similarly, the negative effect could be the result of previous bad karma. As a result, we could greatly benefit from dur yoga in such circumstances.

To explain further, you could have the fortune to be a stable and respected professional with dur yoga. For instance, when the lord of the tenth house, Mars, lands in the sixth place, then a benefic Mars can show positives in our life. You will have the potential of stable career. You could be a respected doctor, army officer, lawyer or police officer.


Yet another fascinating effect can be the placement of Mars as lord of the tenth house in the eight place of your chart. Such a position can make you an astrologer, surgeon, judge or even a psychic medium. Thus, the position of the tenth house lord is not the only factor forming dur yogas, but various other significant influences present in the chart.


How Can Dur Graha Yoga Affect You?


Dur yoga is generally regarded as unlucky. Because the tenth house is associated with success, notoriety, and renown, this yoga may have an impact on all of these qualities. Because of its influence, you may not have a secure career. Furthermore, because you lack a vocation, you will have financial difficulties or a lack of money. As a result, you may lose hope and turn to menial labour. It may result in a distorted personality in certain persons. That is, they may lack moral standards and be drawn to immoral behaviour. As a result, they are marginalised in society or gain a negative reputation.


Why does this evil occur?


The possibility of an ill favour is due to the fact that the sixth, eight and twelfth houses are considered as evil places for the lord of the tenth house. Hence, when these planets are housed there, they are clouded by malefic effects.


Karma and Dur Graha Yoga :


Karma, according to best astrologer in Kolkata, is the single most important cause of all our positive and negative outcomes. Our birth charts mirror our prior lives. And we may never be free of the consequences of our actions. In other words, while we may not have the ability to nullify dur graha yogas, we may better deal with them by understanding their causes and consequences.

Thursday, 12 May 2022

What are Some Philosophical Problems of Astrology?

Astrology attracts both believers and detractors. Philosophy is concerned with knowledge, wisdom, and rational decision-making. According to the famous astrologer in Kolkata, The philosophical concerns that occur in astrology are fairly difficult to answer rationally. Astrology is a fantastic source of support, solace, and counselling for people who believe in it, despite the fact that it has no scientific basis.


Analogy :

When the philosophical thought process and reasoning were founded on analogies, astrology was born. It was accepted that if one object corresponded to another in some way, the other like things would also correspond in some way. The analogous theory was accepted by philosophy. Each god was given attributes and qualities by the people. Planets and the numbers associated with them take on the same properties. The myths and stories that describe the nature of the zodiac, constellations, and planets are intertwined with the evolution of astrology.

Philosophy and the thought processes of the present time no longer subscribe to this reasoning. So, now the reasoning between these interrelationships no longer holds water.


Stagnation :

New discoveries and theories have advanced science. Astrology, on the other hand, has mostly remained unchanged. There is precious little new or evolving in astrology anymore, with many practitioners adhering to the traditions of whichever school of astrology they practise. There are a few astrologers who are striving to compile a database of horoscopes and conducting statistical and scientific research in order to uncover new astrological insights and trends. Skeptics complain about the lack of fresh discoveries, while proponents of astrology contend that the stagnation indicates that all of astrology's theories are correct.


Interconnection :

Science and philosophy are evolving and expanding and finding that everything in the universe is indeed interconnected. Einstein’s theory of relativity states as much. Sceptics are loath to stretch this theory of interconnection to the distant planets somehow affecting human life.


Fatalism And Free Will :

If you believe that one's life path is determined by one's birth chart, you should think about if this is a fatalistic viewpoint. Do we have to live and make decisions every day if everything is predetermined? In a cosmos with a supreme being, religious arguments find it difficult to accept fixed futures. Astrology has yet to be proven as a cause-and-effect system by scientists. Believers in astrology, particularly Vedic astrology, say that the term "astrology" or "Jyotish" means "light."

Astrology is not a mere tool for prediction and fortune-telling. It serves to shine a light on ourselves and the world around us.

Some people feel that because a birth chart reveals our strengths and weaknesses, it is a great tool for determining which aspects of our lives require more attention.


Cyclic Pattern :

Life follows cyclic patterns, according to astrology. The goal of the philosophically motivated astrologer is to determine where the person is in the cycle. The astrologer aims to empower the client by telling them whether they are going through a good or bad phase.

When one knows that times are hard, one will naturally lie low and postpone grandiose plans for a later time. Also, knowing that bad times are also time-bound gives one the fortitude to face difficulties. One can make the most of a favourable period while it lasts.


Relevance :

The astrological chart has twelve houses that represent different areas of life. The definitions of the houses are as per the traditional descriptions. How relevant the original descriptions are to modern life is highly debatable. Modern astrologers use their common sense and update the relevance to life as it is today. But, applying ancient astrological rules to present times is still more of an art than a science.


Provable Mechanism :

No mechanism has been found to prove the influence of the planets on the lives of people. A viewable and explainable mechanism proves a theory. Scientists have not proved yet that a distant planet such as Saturn can exert force or effect on Earth’s happenings.


Statistical And Scientific Proof :

Many research have been conducted to examine and prove the accuracy and value of astrology. However, no solid scientific proof has been found. In fact, most investigations have discovered that there is little statistical difference between astrology and random events. Astrology has no scientifically verifiable mechanism. According to the best astrologer in Kolkata, A few astrologers are conducting study in this area, but no publicly validated hypotheses have yet emerged.

Sunday, 8 May 2022

Fundamental Differences between Sun and Moon Signs

Astrology whether western or Vedic cannot work without sun and moon signs.However, because of the sign they follow, there is a significant structural difference between the two. The sun sign is used in Western astrology, while the moon sign is used in Vedic astrology, according to the best astrologer in India. As a result, the interpretations of the two most generally used astrological formats will differ significantly. Let's look at why.


What is Moon Sign?


The constellation on which the moon shone brightest at the moment of your birth is known as your moon sign. If the moon was in the Gemini constellation when you touched the earth's surface, for example, Gemini would be your moon sign. The moon sign reveals information about a person's mental structure. It draws attention to your emotions and sentiments. Because the moon moves around the earth every two and a half days, its sign changes every two and a half days.

As a result, it is in a different zodiac sign every two and a half years. Unlike western astrology, Vedic astrology considers planetary aspects and conjunctions, as well as moon degrees, for the best results. Because the moon also signifies mother, its position can reveal a lot about your connection with your mother.


What Are Sun Signs?


Sun sign refers to the zodiac sign that the sun was standing at the time of your birth. There are 12 constellations forming a band around the earth. The one sign on which the sun was directly shining at the time of your birth becomes your zodiac or sun sign. It changes every 30 days.  Each sun sign is further ruled by a planet, which influences your personality and traits.For example, Virgo and Gemini are ruled by Mercury and are known for their intellect, curiosity and analytical properties. Aries is governed by Mars is attracted to challenge and excitement.


Differences Between Moon And Sun Sign:


There are times when a Gemini person might not feel connected to the twins' sign. Instead, like a Cancer moon, they are emotional, family-oriented, and irritable at the drop of a hat when moody. You may be born as an introverted, mysterious Scorpio, yet you will fall in love with adventure, spontaneity, bluntness, and calling a spade a spade. In other words, you have more Aries moon than Scorpio sun sign.


The basic reason for this is that there is a wide difference between sun and moon signs. Firstly, the sun takes care of your basic personality, character, ego, and will. It gives the knowledge of your identity. While, the moon governs your subconscious, emotions and instinctive responses to the world around us.


Secondly, knowing your sun sign requires knowing your date of birth, whereas knowing your moon sign requires knowing your date, year, time, and place of birth.


Thirdly, because it takes the sun 12 months to cover all 12 star signs, astrological forecasts are only valid for one month. The moon, on the other hand, moves faster and only stays in one sign for two and a half days.


Fourthly, the sun sign provides you a general overview of a person, whereas the moon sign gives you detailed information on your inner workings and untapped potential.


Further Reasons:


Fifthly, Knowing your moon sign would require the assistance of an astrologer. Only with experienced assistance can you gather the necessary information and calculate on that premise. Finding your sun sign is the most straightforward task on the planet. You determine your sun sign by matching your birth date to the time span covered by each zodiac sign.


Sixthly, western astrology considers the sun sign while Hindu Vedic astrology follows the moon sign.


Seventhly, Because the moon governs your feelings and emotions, your solar sign alone cannot provide a complete picture of yourself. If you don't know your moon sign, you'll be missing out on a significant amount of knowledge that explains "why you are, what you are."


Ninthly, the moon does not stay in a zodiac sign for a fixed period of time. While, while the sun stays in a zodiac for a 30 day period.


However, according to the famous astrologer in India ,it is preferable to view a person through both the sun and moon signs because this will provide the most accurate picture of the individual. Under a Scorpian moon, for example, revolutionary and unpredictable Aquarians can turn spiritual and subservient. If Taurus has a Capricorn moon, this pleasure-loving, dependable sign might display features of discipline, willpower, and structure.

Thursday, 5 May 2022

The Role of Venus In Relationships



Venus is the planet of love and luxury in most astrological systems. While Venus is depicted as a lady in Western astrology, Venus in India is Shukracharya, a guru. In contrast to Brihaspati, who is the guru of the Devas or gods, he is the guru of the demons or Asuras.

Venus is described as a scholarly Brahman named Shukracharya. According to the best astrologer in Kolkata, Rishi Bhrigu and his wife Puloma had a son named Shukracharya. Rishi Bhrigu, on his part, was born directly from Brahma's seed. He has a medium build, a large chest, a prominent chest, and dark curly hair. Shukracharya has a large number of spouses, daughters, and sons.


Lord Shiva blessed him with the knowledge of Sanjivini Vidya by which he can raise the dead. Shiva also blessed Venus as the best of the planets and that Venus rising in the sky would be an auspicious beginning to rituals.


Significations Of Venus :

Venus is the planet that represents most of life's pleasures, particularly material ones. It is associated with love, romance, beauty, marriage, sex, sperm, youth, fine arts, theatre, music, perfume, luxuries, luxurious vehicles, and beautiful clothing. Venus rules the 2nd and 7th houses of the Kalapurusha Kundali, respectively, Taurus (Rishaba) and Libra (Tula). Venus's Moolatrikona is in Libra.


Venus is the planet that influences how we interact in relationships and how we express ourselves. Venus is the planet that represents desire the most. This is our inborn desire with regards to what we want in a partner, how we behave as partners and what attracts us. It does not really describe our partner but instead describes our wants and our behaviours in romantic partnerships. It influences how you fall in love and how you behave when you do. Venus governs the bedroom and sexual activities.


Exalted Venus :

Venus is exalted in Pisces, the sign ruled by his archrival Jupiter. While Venus is the guru of the Asuras and Jupiter is the guru of the Devas, one could be perplexed as to why Venus is exalted in that house. This is because Venus's most beautiful aspects are when she expresses heavenly love. All of Venus' devotion and passion is channelled into unconditional and spiritual love in Pisces. It develops into a love that transcends earthly possessions.


Debilitated Venus :

In Virgo, Venus is weakened. It's not the end of the world if you get the job. It doesn't necessarily imply that you'll have a lousy love life or a bad spouse. When a planet is crippled, it shows that there is a lack of understanding of the planet's significance. A companion who is unconditionally affectionate is ideal. Venus in Virgo pays close attention to the finer points of life. This may cause you to be a nitpicker in your relationships. In the worst-case scenario, it leads to frequent fault-finding, which is not appealing. Practicality and romance do not often combine well, thus this is bound to be a deal-breaker in partnerships.


According to the famous astrologer in Kolkata, The inability of the person to actually be fully aware of Venus related issues might come across as a person who is either ungrateful or insensitive. If the supporting planets are not well placed and there are other weaknesses in the horoscope the relationship and wealth-related problems might be worse.


Combust Venus :

When a planet gets too close to the Sun, it combusts. Venus is extremely near to the Sun from an astronomical standpoint. When the space between them is reduced to less than 10 degrees, combustion occurs. From an astronomical standpoint, the Sun's brilliance obscures Venus at this moment. Venus is obscured by the Sun's radiance. The Sun represents the ego, and when Venus is combust, it means the person's ego is interfering with their ability to enjoy relationships. It makes it difficult for the native to strike an agreement with his or her partner. Even comments and gratitude do not make the person feel appreciated and loved since the Sun is in the way.


Strengthening Venus :

Most remedies for Venus recommend the worship of Goddess Shakti or Durga. Since Friday is the day ruled by Venus, remedies are better performed on the day. Fasting on Friday is a good remedy. Some people also recommend the donation of items that Venus signifies to women on Fridays.


Venus in the 1st House :-

Venus in the first house gives the person the qualities of being attractive and charming. The person also has a great appreciation for Venus ruled things. The person is well-liked by women.


Venus in the 2nd House :-

When Venus is placed in a money house, it can cause one to become excessively materialistic. Another danger is that the person may spend more money on Venus-related items than they should. In terms of wealth, the individual is fortunate. The individual will have a family and speak in a sweet and articulate manner.


Venus in the 3rd House :-

This position indicates that the person would be rather miserly. The relationship status would greatly depend on the house ownership of Venus.


Venus in the 4th House :-

A favourable Venus in this house indicates a harmonious relationship between the native's mother and wife. It also denotes the opulence of homes and automobiles. However, if the lord of the fourth house is weak, problems with the mother and illicit relationships may arise.


Venus in the 5th  House :-

With Venus in the house of children, you're more likely to have girls than sons. The person is exceedingly wise if Venus is properly situated and the lord of the house is powerful. On the other hand, doing so would make the person seem pretty uninteresting. A good Venus in the 5th house would provide a good bride and many children to the local.


Venus in the 6th House :-

This Venus has more of an impact on the finances and enemies of the person. There will be a lot of wasteful expenditure. A strong Venus here is not so desirable as it makes more enemies. A weak Venus in the sixth house indicates fewer enemies. The relationship significations will depend on which houses Venus is the lord of.


Venus in the 7th House :-

Venus in the 7th house may exaggerate the significance of the house of partnership's meanings. It has the potential to develop a deep mental and physical bond in a marriage or relationship. The individual is well-off and eager in forming relationships and collaborations. If there are other contributing variables, this can lead to being over-sexed and having multiple marriages. The individual may be wealthy and attractive.


Venus in the 8th House :-

Venus in the eighth house natives will find that there is difficulty in the houses that Venus rules. However, they will have a devoted spouse and be wealthy.


Venus in the 9th House :-

This is one of the most auspicious houses for a benefic Venus. It will make the person very learned and interested in religion and scriptures. The person will have a good spouse and children.


Venus in the 10th House :-

Venus in the eleventh house is also excellent. It will bring all of Venus's meanings to the person's employment.


Venus in the 11th House :-

Venus in the house of gain is very good as it promises the gain and enjoyment of all Venus things. However, any malefic influence could reduce the benefits, suggested by the top astrologer in Kolkata.


Venus in the 12th House :-

Venus in the 12th house will make the person wealthy and fond of sexual pleasures.

Wednesday, 4 May 2022

From Shani Mahatmya – The Mythology Behind Rahu and Ketu


According to the famous astrologer in India,The Shani Mahatmya is the narration of incidents that happened in the life of King Vikramaditya during his Sade Sati or seven and half year period of Saturn. Listening to the Shani Mahatmya or reading it is a Shani remedy prescribed for those afflicted by Saturn. Here is a Shani Mahatmya summary of the section about Rahu and Ketu.


The Story So Far:

King Vikramaditya was a good, just, and gentle monarch who held talks and debates in his court on a regular basis. He once overheard a discussion on which of the planets was the best of them all. Each planet's representative stood up one by one and lauded his planet, proclaiming their planet to be the best of them all. The Sun's representative, Surya, was the first to speak. Following his speech, representatives from the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn each testified about why their planet was the finest. The Rahu representative rises up and talks at this point in the story.


Introduction – Rahu And Ketu:

Rahu and Ketu, according to Rahu's spokesperson, are two nasty planets. They are the North and South nodes, according to him. They were Asuras at the time of their birth. Surya (the Sun) and Chandra's foes are Rahu and Ketu (the Moon). Fear overtakes the Sun and Moon when they come close to the nodes. They are well aware that the nodes will not spare them without a fight. The nodes obscure the Sun and Moon, causing them to be disturbed. The Sun is afflicted by Rahu, while the Moon is afflicted by Ketu. The nodes can overshadow the Sun and Moon, and they can also eclipse people's lives. People are bothered by the nodes, which are cruel.

However, they can be pleased and appeased. One can please Rahu and Ketu through regular prayer and offerings. When Rahu is pleased he gives a person good health and mercy and no fear of snakes. When Ketu is pleased the person is blessed with spiritual knowledge.


Shani Mahatmya:

Rahu and Ketu's Past Lives

Swarbhanu, Rahu, and Ketu were formerly one. He was the son of Viprachitti Daanav and Sinhikaa, the Viprachitti Daanav's wife. Hiranyakashyap's sister was Sinhikka. Hiranyakashyap is best known as the father of Prahlad. Rahu is the severed head of this Asura, while Ketu is the trunk. Rahu instils fear in people's minds. He has a smokey complexion and lives in the woods. Ketu is a scary planet. Ketu wields a torch and a sword in his hands, while Rahu wears the half-moon on his head.Rahu is the ruler of lead and agate while Ketu is the ruler of turquoise and earth. Rahu is the minister of the Asuras and Ketu is the chief of the Asuras.


Sage Durvasa’s Curse:

The Sage Durvasa once cursed the Devas, saying that they would lose all of their might and prosperity. As a result, the Asuras took control of the cosmos. The Devas were concerned and sought advice from Lord Vishnu. He told them that they were now weak and that fighting the Asuras would be futile. He advised them to exercise patience and diplomacy. Lord Vishnu also instructed them to churn the Ksheer Sagar, or Ocean of Milk, in order to get Amrit, the nectar of immortality. He promised them that only the Devas, not the Asuras, would be able to consume it.


The Churning Of The Ocean – Samudra Manthan:

The Devas and Asuras formed two lines, one on one side and the other on the other, with the Asuras on one side and the Devas on the other. The Amrit was given to the Devas one by one by Mohini. As a result, one of the Asuras, Swarbhanu, disguised himself as a Deva and sat in the Deva line. Surya and Chandra immediately recognised Swarbhanu as a non-Deva when Mohini offered him Amrit and raised the alarm, through the eyes of the best astrologer in India. This is why the Sun and Moon dislike the nodes so much.


The Split – Rahu And Ketu:

Lord Vishnu quickly cut off Swarbhanu's head with his Sudarshan Chakra. He did not die, however, because the Amrit had already been taken by the Asura. Instead, he split into two. The head was renamed Rahu, and the trunk was renamed Ketu. Rahu's blood became garlic when it dripped to the ground. This is why garlic possesses many Amrit-like qualities while simultaneously clouding the intellect in the manner of Rahu. Rahu and Ketu were given planet status by Lord Brahma. According to the top astrologer in India, The Rahu and Ketu representative bowed before the magnificence of the two shadow planets who afflict people by obscuring their brains, he remarked.

Monday, 2 May 2022

Pet Astrology: Are You And Your Pet Compatible?

Knowing your zodiac sign can give you insight into your personal characteristics and traits, but did you know it can do the same thing for your pet? Pet astrology can be a fun way to learn about what makes your pet tick, according to the famous astrologer in Kolkata. Find the pet horoscope for your furry friend below.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):

Aquarian pets are described as eccentric, peculiar, erratic, and weird, to name a few adjectives. If your pet is an Aquarius (an air sign controlled by the planet Uranus), it's likely to behave strangely. Aquarian pets frequently appear to be adrift in their own worlds. Although other animals may not know what to make of them, they are incredibly independent yet gregarious by nature. Aquarians are incredibly amusing pets, even if they aren't the most cuddly.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20):

Pisces (a water sign ruled by the planet Neptune) has elements from all eleven zodiac signs. Similarly, a Piscean pet will exhibit traits from a variety of different zodiac signs. As a result, Piscean pets might be perplexing at times. They pacing back and forth around a room, abruptly changing activities, or they follow you around the house. Piscean pets are also quite intuitive and can detect when you're in a bad mood, so they'll try to cheer you up. Pisces pets are also the zodiac's dreamers. Hearing your pet "speak" or seeing it thrash around during a particularly intense dream may be frequent.


Aries (March 21 – April 20) :

Aries the ram is a fire sign that is typically linked with courage, vigour, and impatience in both people and animals — in part because it is controlled by Mars, the Roman god of war. An Aries pet is likely to be self-assured and self-sufficient. That isn't necessarily a positive thing. Your Aries pet most likely enjoys exploring and considers itself to be the dominant animal in many settings, which can lead to intolerance toward (and clashes with) other animals. This pet is competitive, thus new games, toys, and locations are required to keep it stimulated, suggested by the best astrologer in Kolkata. It also dislikes being confined, so make sure your dog or cat has lots of space to go around in.


Taurus (April 21 – May 21) :

Taurus the bull is an earth sign ruled by the planet Venus. According to animal astrology, pets born under this sign are likely to be strong, easy going and compassionate –maybe a bit lazy as well. Forget playing in the backyard; for these pets, it doesn’t get any better than a long nap on a soft bed, a bowl of fresh, meaty food and a nice, long rub-down from their loving owner. The Taurus pet’s kind and docile nature makes it a great companion for children as well.


Gemini (May 22 – June 21) :

Gemini is an air sign ruled by the planet Mercury. Pets born under this sign are usually playful, inventive, and want to be noticed. They enjoy bragging about themselves and are superb speakers. You may find that your Gemini cat "responds" to your questions or that your Gemini dog is constantly yapping about something.

These gregarious beings despise routines and grow irritated when others are unable to keep up with their vigour. Take the time to teach your pet new tricks, activities, and places. It will be likely to catch on quickly thanks to its eager-to-please attitude and excellent intelligence.


Cancer (June 22 – July 23) :

Animals born under the sign of Cancer (a water sign ruled by the moon) are sensitive and melancholy. Cancerian pets, according to pet horoscopes, are always in need of attention. They want to feel like they're a valued member of the family. In fact, your pet can mistakenly believe it is one of your children. As a result, any disruptions in their routine (such as staying at home alone while on vacation or getting locked out late at night) tend to agitate them. They may also require food that is specially prepared for sensitive systems because they are prone to upset stomachs and digestive tracts.


Leo (July 24 – August 23) :

Leo pets are confident, fearless, and a little vain, just like their sign, the lion (a fire sign ruled by the sun). They enjoy being pampered and treated, and they are constantly clamouring for attention. Leo pets are extremely loyal to their owners, as seen by their popularity among other animals and people. Leos can also exhibit less desirable characteristics such as sloth and a diva-like demeanour, according to pet astrology. Many Leo pets, on the other hand, would protect their owners to the death due of their bravery and loyalty.


Virgo (August 24 – September 23) :

Pets born under the Virgo zodiac sign (an earth sign controlled by Mercury) are finicky, meticulous, and hard workers. They thrive on routine and order, so make sure their mealtimes and walks are on time. Virgo pets are also the cleanest of all pets, devoting a significant amount of time and effort to their personal grooming practises. These animals require a clean environment in which to live (especially the litter box, if you have a Virgo cat). As long as they stick to a routine, these dogs are relatively low-maintenance.


Libra (September 24 – October 23) :

Libras are social animals, according to animal astrology. Libra is an air sign controlled by Venus, and most Libras are always looking for someone to talk to. They enjoy being around other animals, going on adventures, and getting groomed and primped to look their best. In fact, if your Libra pet feels lonely or excluded, it is likely to become fussy, grumpy, and loud about its dissatisfaction. Libra pets are likewise very sensitive to their owners' emotions. They can pick up on unpleasant vibes amongst people, especially among family members.


Scorpio (October 24 – November 22) :

Scorpio, a water sign, is ruled by Pluto. Scorpio pets are a bit of a paradox in that they are both extremely independent and extremely loyal to their owners. It would not be uncommon for a Scorpio cat or dog to wander off on its own for a few days on some sort of solitary adventure; but rest assured that it will always return home, even against seemingly impossible odds. Remember the Homeward Bound movies? A Scorpio pet will travel across county and even cross state lines just to return to its owner.


Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21) :

Sagittarius (a fire sign dominated by the planet Jupiter) is the zodiac sign of freedom, and many Sagittarian pets yearn for it. Pet horoscopes reveal that these animals despise being confined or kept on a leash. They rarely run away, but they enjoy being on their own and in the open air. They also have a limitless source of energy, particularly when they are young, so keep an eye on your Sagittarian pet.


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) :

According to the top astrologer in Kolkata, Pets born under the sign of Capricorn are calm, serious, and hardworking. Capricorn, also known as the goat sign, is an earth sign ruled by Saturn. Your Capricorn pet is likely to be slow and tiresome, but if it has a task to complete, it will complete it. Capricorn animals are ideal for persons who lack the stamina or patience to care for a demanding or high-strung pet. They are self-sufficient, steady, and peaceful.