Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Gandmool Dosha and the Remedies to Reduce its Effects

Gandmool Dosha may be present in your horoscope if you’re born under six specific nakshatras. If you have Gandmool Dosha, there is no need to panic, according to the best astrologer in Delhi. In fact, many famous personalities have been born with this dosha and yet they have achieved great things in life.


Gandmool Dosha – How Is It Formed?

There are 27 possible Janma Nakshatras or birth stars in Vedic Astrology. Nakshatra means star, but actually, the 27 Nakshatras signify 27 constellations.


The Moon In Indian Astrology :

The moon is the most significant planet while casting your natal chart. The sun may be more powerful, but the moon is the nearest and so has more effect on the earth and everything in it. We all know how the moon affects the oceans, causing tides. Similarly, this graha also affects humans. So, Vedic astrology uses a moon-based system.


The moon moves across the 27 nakshatras and across rashis. Astrologers look at the placement of the moon in relation to the nakshatras at the rime of your birth. Consequently, the Nakshatra against which the moon is aligned at the time of your birth becomes your Janma Nakshatra, your birth star.


Ganda Mool Nakshatras :

As mentioned before, there are 27 Nakshatras that are significant in astrology. Of these, six are considered Gand Mool Nakshatras. They are:








If you are born under any of these nakshatras, you may be considered to have Gandmool Dosha. Further, this dosha may have many bad effects on your life.


Gandmool Dosha Effects :

Just like any other Dosha, Gandmoool Disha also creates some issues. Depending on the Nakshatra, the effects might vary:

1.Aswini :

Those born under this star may cause problems for the father, and they themselves may face financial issues at some time or other. However, they will generally lead a prosperous and successful life


2.Ashlesha :

Birth under this star may mean that the person will be careless in money matters, spending without thought for the future. They may also have a problematic relationship with parents and siblings.


3.Magha :

Those born under this nakshatra may have a troubled relationship with their mother or father. Some may even enjoy a very prosperous life. In fact, those born in the fourth phase of this star may have more stability and may rise to great heights in their profession.


4.Jyeshta :

A person born under this nakshatra may develop strained relationships with his siblings. Their relationship with their mother may also be affected. Moreover, those born under the fourth phase of this star may have to face a lot of problems throughout their lives.


5.Moola :

Those born under this star may cause problems for their parents. They may also indulge in carefree spending, and lose their wealth.


6.Revathi :

A person born under the first three phases of this nakshatra may not be affected much, they may even have a happy, prosperous life, with a successful career. However, those born under the fourth phase of this star may cause problems for their parents, and also have to face many problems in their own lives.


The Other Side of the Coin:

So, is it all bad for those born under the Ganda Mool Nakshatras? Certainly not, as you can see from the above predictions, there may be many positive results. Many professional astrologers say that the Pada or phase of the nakshatra under which you are born is more important.

The Good Effects of Gandamool Dosha :

Indeed, people born under these nakshatras can be very good looking and have charming personalities. They are generally happy, outgoing and very generous. These people are also very sincere and hardworking, and ready to face any challenge,


Gandmool Dosha Remedies :

To offset the adverse effects of gandamool dosha you can perform the following remedies:


1. Parents of a child born with this dosha can organize a Gandamool Dosha Shanti Pooja on the 27th day of the birth of the child

2. If you missed this 27th day, you can perform this Puja when the moon comes back to this Nakshatra again

3. You can also perform this pooja later in life on your birth Nakshatra

4. Chanting Maha Mrityunjaya Japa is a good remedy for this dosha

5. Those born under Ashwini, Magha, or Moola should worship Lord Ganesha

6. They should also make donations of green vegetables on Wednesday

7. Those born under Ashlesha, Jyeshta, or Revathi should pray to Budha (Mercury)

8. Donating emerald, bronze utensils, green vegetables, coriander, or Amla pleases Budha.


The effects of Gandmool Dosha differ based on the Nakshatra Pada. Further, there are many remedies you can  undertake to mitigate the effects of this dosha, through the eyes of the best astrologer in World.

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