We are pleased to state that the President of India, Draupadi Murmu was graciously met by Dr. Sohini Sastri, one of India's leading astrologers, for the second time at Rashtrapati Bhawan on June 14 of this year, after their previous meeting on December 3, 2022.
During this significant meeting, Dr. Sastri presented the President with a flower bouquet and an idol of Tirupati, as heartfelt gestures of respect and admiration. These offerings were graciously accepted, setting the stage for an extensive conversation encompassing various topics.
Astrology, women's empowerment, and social work emerged as the focal points of the profound discussion between the President and Dr. Sastri. Insights and perspectives were exchanged on the profound influence of astrology on our lives and society, leaving both individuals enriched by the President's deep knowledge and keen interest in the subject.
Dr. Sohini Sastri feels deeply grateful for this extraordinary meeting with the President, Draupadi Murmu, which served as a wellspring of inspiration and motivation. It reaffirmed her commitment to astrology and her endeavors to support women's empowerment and social welfare. 

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