Wednesday, 22 November 2023

How Each Zodiac Sign Will Be Affected by Jupiter in Leo

When the Leo sun collides with Taurus-based Uranus, paving the path for the lightning strike that ignites creativity, through the eyes of the Best Astrologer in India. As the sun will later make a trine to the recently constructed North Node in Aries, leading you towards liberty and self-actualization, have faith that Leo season is getting you where you're intended to be.


Aries: Prepare to completely cure your inner kid, Aries. It's bound to be a season of great growth and introspection as the Leo sun fills your fifth house of joy, pleasure, and self-expression with reviving light and makes a trine with both Chiron in Aries and the North Node in Aries.


Taurus: Taurus, the Leo season is helping you reconnect with your emotional foundation. You may be taking care of your own space and growing your network of trusted relationships as the sun sows the seed of something new in your fourth house of home and family. This season can transform and inspire you when the Leo sun squares off with both Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.


Gemini: Now that Leo season has begun, you are feeling more sociable and prepared to interact with others. Your daily life could start to accelerate as the sun enters your third house of personal relationships and communication. However, due to Venus' retrograde motion in Leo, However, while Venus travels through Leo in retrograde, you might notice that some old pals are reappearing in your life.


Cancer: During the Leo season, your self-esteem is enjoying a surge of healing energy. You feel compelled to give your life the stability, abundance, and self-sufficiency you've been craving as the sun photosynthesizes your second home of money, possessions, and self-worth.


Leo: The Leo season this year feels different. For the course of your solar return, Venus is also retrograding through your first house of the self, which forces you to reflect deeply on the person you have been. Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus square up with the Leo sun in Leo.


Virgo: Virgo, the Leo season will be filled with enchanted paradoxes. You might feel less drawn to engaging with the outside world and more drawn to your nook as the Leo sun departs your 12th house of spirituality and subconscious forces. The present is an ideal moment for counselling and introspection, particularly when Venus is retrograding through your occulted 12th house at the same time, according to the top Astrologer in India.


Libra: You've given the impact you're having on the globe a lot of thought, Libra. Your 11th house of hopes, dreams, and social endeavours will be activated by the Leo season, strengthening your ties to the outside world and serving as a reminder of your ability to influence people positively.


Scorpio: Your professional and public character are under a lot of pressure during Leo season, but that pressure is what will turn a lump of coal into a diamond. Venus is also retrograding through Leo for the entire season, which will make you regain the professional endeavours that are most important to you.


Sagittarius: Your journey through Leo season will take you to both stunning and difficult locations. Your ninth house of education and development is receiving fire from the Leo sun, and as a result, you are about to embark on new adventures that will split open your perspective like a geode and show the crystals inside like a geode. However, because the Leo sun will square up with both Jupiter and Uranus, the cracking might be the most challenging phase.


Capricorn: Venus in Leo is retrograding through your eighth house of metamorphosis, death, and rebirth for the length of the season, which may have you poking at old wounds. Give yourself time to mourn if you find yourself getting ready to leave places where your purpose is no longer being served.


Aquarius: During the Leo season, your relationships are changing significantly. Ex-lovers, old friends, and past business partners may reemerge in your life as Venus in Leo retrogrades through your seventh house of partnerships. Unresolved disputes can require your attention.


Pisces: As the sun will recharge the batteries of your sixth house of work and health and inspire an increase in production, you may feel busier than usual throughout the Leo season. However, due to the season's Venus in Leo retrograde, you may be attending to health difficulties and turmoil in your everyday routine, according to the famous Astrologer in India.

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