Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Astrological Thoughts Behind Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi or Ganesha Puja is celebrated every year in the Bhadrapada month according to the Hindu calendar of the fourth day that is a bright fortnight. Lord Ganesh is worshipped for prosperity and knowledge. As per the best astrologer in Delhi, Lord Ganesha was born on this day during Madhyahan Kaal on Monday in Swati Nakshatra. This is the reason, it is considered as the main Ganesh Chaturthi or Vinayaka Chaturthi. This Festival is also known as the Kalank Chaturthi and in some regions, people also call this festival Danda Chauth.


According to the best astrologer in Delhi, Lord Ganesha is considered as the supreme god of education, wisdom, the destructor of hardles and prosperity, provider of security, Siddhi, peace, power, and honor. He removes all the obstacles from the life of the individual. Ganesh Chaturthi/Chavithi is celebrated with great pomp and show in states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa, and Karnataka. Other states also celebrate this festival named as Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Delhi, and Punjab.


Significance of Ganesh Chaturthi:

As per the Hindu beliefs, Lord Krishna suffered the blame of stealing Syamantak Mani. After seeing his terrible condition, Narada Ji informed him that he had seen the Moon by mistake on the day of Bhadrapada Shukla Chaturthi. That is why he got insulted. That’s the reason, one who sees Moon on this day gets blamed and insulted. On Narada’s suggestion, Lord Krishna performed the fast of Ganesh Chaturthi (also known as Vinayagar Chaturthi) and got rid of the curse. Hence, one who worships and fasts on this day gets rid of all the allegations and curse.


Though Vainayiki Chaturthi and Sankashti Chaturthi are celebrated every month during the bright and dark fortnight respectively, yet this yearly Vinayaka Chavithi is considered most auspicious because Ganesha had appeared on this day.


If this Ganesh Chaturti falls on Tuesday, it is considered as Angarak Chaturthi, which helps the worshipper in getting rid of all the sins and curses. If this Sankatahara Chaturthi falls on Sunday, it is also considered auspicious Day.


If the festival falls on a Sunday or Tuesday, it is known as Maha Chaturthi (as its significant increase to a greater extent).


Importance of Ganesh Chaturthi:

According to the Hindu culture, Lord Ganesh is considered as "Vighnaharta" (one who removes obstacles) and "Buddhi Pradayaka" (one who grants intelligence). Ganesh Chaturthi festival is very important for students, in order to obtain knowledge and success in their fields. Ganesh Chaturthi 2019 august is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Ganesh, the elephant-headed son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Lord Ganesh is the symbol of Knowledge, prosperity and good fortune according to the famous astrologer in Delhi.

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