Sunday, 26 September 2021

Mula Nakshatra: Revisit of Mars Into Sagittarius

Exercise is a good way to work of this energy but also just let it out by screaming in your empty house. Continue to be 100% focused when doing physical activity and driving as unexpressed anger can rear its ugly head. We have seen too many reports of accidents and injuries already. Stay alert, let the energy out and use it to help others in need. The warrior poses in yoga is a good balance pose for activating the third eye nakshatra and alertness inactivity according to the best astrologer in Kolkata.


The warrior pose in yoga is a good balance pose for activating the third eye nakshatra and alertness inactivity. This transit will have the largest impact on Aries and Scorpio’s rising signs, and it might promote intuition, spirituality, and a desire to withdraw from the world for Aries rising signs. If you don't have the luxury of taking extended meditation classes or living in seclusion, you'll need to activate your action button. So make use of Ketu and Mula. Mars is finally moving into Jupiter's sign and the star Mula on September 18th, after months in Scorpio/Libra due to the retrograde this year.


Mula is made up of nine stars towards the end of Scorpio and is the location of the galaxy's center which Western Astrologers refer to as the Galactic Center. The wonderful part of the sky looks like a white river in the night sky. Mula means “root” or “the center” and people who have a sun, moon, or ascendant lord in this constellation are very direct and do not like to beat around the bush. This is the core of the galaxy and it is ruled by Ketu who wants to get to the core of everything: hidden motives, events, core roots. Ketu is connected to past lives and Mula wants to tie up all the talents from one’s past lives and bring them together.


It seeks deeply for the truth of existence. Mula's patron goddess is Nritti, the Goddess of Misfortune, yet she is born under the lucky sign of Sagittarius, which indicates she has the power to remove ignorance and expose hidden truths. Even though Nritti is associated with the pinnacle of material achievement, her nature is profoundly spiritual in her endeavor to transcend the domain of ego and self-centeredness.


It will be interesting to see if our legislators change their minds as a result of this travel. This star can bestow power, influence, and material wealth, as well as magical abilities, but it frequently explosively unleashes its energy–as is the case with Ketu. During this constellation’s Ketu/Mars conjunction, the 9/11 terrorist attacks happened. As a result, it has a horrific proclivity for bringing out Ketu's most explosive and evil side, implying that detonating the material can point and compel one to the spiritual. Adolf Hitler was the embodiment of destruction, with Jupiter conjunct Ketu in this nakshatra and no balancing effect from Saturn. Let's hope the terrorists don't gain confidence in their mission throughout this passage, since this is exactly what happened on 9/11 according to the best astrologer in Kolkata.


Mula unites the energies of Jupiter and Ketu, resulting in positive spiritual transformations. With Jupiter's blessing, it can grant magical abilities to people in need. Mars is in a good position for in Sagittarius, which can lead to taking advantage of opportunities, gaining more education, wealth, and leadership, as well as becoming spiritual warrior philanthropic causes.


Mars will be unaffected here, but later in the transit, around mid-October, it will be afflicted by Rahu, bringing out the darker aspects of trying too hard to succeed, hurting others' feelings, manipulation, and rabble stirring.


The initial portion of Mars' transit into Mula on September 18-22nd can make you feel hesitant and indecisive, which can lead to self-doubt and a lack of courage. Mars will be stronger after September 22nd, when it exits the gandanta region (literally, drowning).


Moving into one's spiritual warrior energy and serving humanity without ego is the highest feature of this trip. It can instill pride, strength, and the ability to speak the truth. If you have a Mars/Ketu or Ketu/Mars cycle and your ascendent is Taurus rising or Capricorn rising, you may be vulnerable to fire, electricity, or surgery. Nonetheless, the transportation will encourage political courage and boldness, and it may assist Trump more than Hillary. More truth will be revealed by the best astrologer in Kolkata.


Mars transits into Purva Ashada nakshatra from Oct. 8 to 26, becoming increasingly related to Venus, and we shall discuss this transit in a few weeks. ( Prash Trivedi, Ken Johnson, and Komilla Sutton deserve special gratitude for their contributions.


Friday, 24 September 2021

Jupiter in the Transition of Aquarius: Retro in Capricorn

Jupiter is about to enter Capricorn on September 14th and will remain there until November 20th, staying between 29 Capricorn and 1 degree Aquarius for almost three months till November 30th. The rising signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, as well as Capricorn and Aquarius, will be the most affected according to the best astrologer in India. It is a little uneasy when it is at the last degree of a sign, or even the initial degree of a sign–like a person changing employment, relocating or changing relationships.


Every 12-13 months, Jupiter enters a new sign, and the effect is similar to someone changing professions or moving–there is a lack of clarity. You may find yourself returning to the way things were from November 2020 to April 2021 as a result of the retrograde energy.

During the transition, Jupiter is a bit weaker than normal. A weak Jupiter may have bad judgment, allow one to be too generous, or be overly optimistic. This will be particularly true on the Capricorn side from Sept 14-Nov. 20th. So bounce key decisions off of your partner to get a reality check.


The significance of the 29th degree has been observed by my friend Juliana Swanson: “In astrology, the 29th degree is commonly referred to as the crucial, karmic, or fated degree. It is known as an anorectic in Western terminology, which means "something which ruins form," and is frequently connected with a feeling of being unable to see one's path forward.


It's the last sign of the zodiac, which might indicate that some planetary traits are exhausted, frustrated, or at the end of their tether. Because Jupiter is the significator for teachers, Guru, husbands, and children, these areas may prove to be more challenging than normal for many. Jupiter's houses in your horoscope will be the most affected according to the best astrologer in Kolkata.


For some, the 29th-degree placements can signal a turning point and the prospect of significant alleviation now or in the future.”


When Jupiter changes signs 12 days before and after, there is a practice of bathing in the 12 sacred rivers connected with each sign, and people think that if they take a holy dip in the rivers, their sins will be washed away and they will become healthy, prosperous, and cleansed. If the weather is warm enough in your region, a symbolic plunge in a river and being in nature might be auspicious even if you are not in India. That would be from November 8th through November 30th.


Jupiter is connected to the liver which has over 750 major functions in the body and can be harmed by this transit particularly if you have this combination in your natal chart or have a tendency toward liver problems. Make sure to drink warm water with a freshly squeezed lemon every morning which is the best way to keep your liver toned up.  There are many important liver herbs to take. 


Maybe a good month for a liver cleanses if you can handle it. Avoid taxing your liver by over-eating or eating very complicated fatty foods and cheeses. Jupiter also has connections to the pancreas so will be important not to eat too many sweets or over-indulge.


For the following two weeks, the spinal twist is a must-do position because it supports the liver, and you may also need to practise the cow stance, which also strengthens the liver.


Jupiter's return to Capricorn will raise Saturn and soften its ferocious energy, which has plagued us since it turned retrograde in June. Saturn will still sabotage Jupiter, making judgement and other Jupiter-related difficulties more difficult.


The breakdown of natural law and the government's power-mongering with lock-downs were linked to the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. The retrograde energy will compel us to choose between wanting to be free and shrinking in the face of government fear-mongering.


Jupiter in Capricorn must mean it has problems with ethics and maybe more business orientated rather than being in dharma and more interested in religion and Gurus, suggested by the famous astrologer in India.


If you are ruled by Jupiter, then the 3 month period will be an important time to take it easy as it is part of a 12-year resting cycle for you and energy may be lower and you will have to work harder to get things done.

Thursday, 23 September 2021

What Will Happen If Uranus Retrograde?

This year, Uranus enters Aries and becomes stationary/retrograde according to the best astrologer in India. This is more of an outer world event, but it has the potential to cause unanticipated fire-related calamities such as volcanoes and forest fires because it is occurring in the sign of Aries, which is the sign of war, thus eruptions in Taiwan and other turbulent parts of the world are on the rise.


You may experience the effects if your planets are in 19-21 Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn. We're concerned about vulnerable volcanic locations like the Northwest or Yellow Stone, as well as the Midwest's New Madras fault.


You've undoubtedly noticed that something isn't quite right with the Covid story. Covid is, of course, genuine, although the death rate is low. Covid has a median infection fatality rate of about 0.26 percent. This is a proven fact. According to the great majority of medical research, this is the science.


Because 0.26 percent of the population could acquire more than sniffles and brain fog from a covid infection, the entire globe is being locked down and told we must give up our natural human freedoms. Why? With the Passport Vaccine plan and forced vaccine edicts surfacing, you have to ask whether this whole goal was about something else. 


If our society becomes a two-tiered world of the vexed and the unvaxed, isn’t this the highest form of discrimination and even worse than the way we treat minorities?


Uranus teaches us about independence and defiance said by the best astrologer in India. It doesn't have to be violent, and Gandhi and India have demonstrated how to utilize revolt in a nonviolent manner.


The United States was built on certain fundamental rights, and we should not go backward and dismantle the Bill of Rights over a virus that kills only.26% of the population. We must peacefully demonstrate and refuse to accept anything because things are only going to get worse.


We are not promoting violence, but rather working with our local and state governments to defend fundamental liberties. In Australia, where three states have been shut down for a month, the military is being used to suppress protesters, which amounts to martial law.


We are in the midst of World War 3 astrologically, and the 40-year war cycle predicted this. Unfortunately, it won't be over until April 2024, when Jupiter moves past Rahu in Aries. We've arrived at a fork in the road, and you must refuse medical tyranny. There are certain people who are unable to receive vaccinations due to allergies or severe reactions, and we now wish to provide booster injections.


Pfizer's annual report and profit predictions state that sales will rise as a result of booster injections, children's immunizations, and the ongoing global availability of its vaccines. What's the issue here?


One strategy is to stop supporting corporations that force medical vaccinations.  United Airlines today is requiring its employees to be vaccinated.  Many companies in the last week like Facebook and Microsoft came out with forced vaccination mandates.  It’s time to write these companies and let them know you will stop using their products.  CNN fired three employees for coming to work unvaccinated today.   


Since the primary strategy of the covid cult has been to work with larger corporations to demand proof of vaccination (vaccine passports). We must let these companies know in no uncertain terms that we will cut off all consumer support for their businesses. We will not work for them and we will not give them a penny of our money. Instead, we will approach smaller local businesses, find out if they are a part of the ‘We Will Not Comply’ campaign, and if they are, then we will support them instead. It’s time to teach these corporations a lesson and put them out of commission by removing our money and our labor from their pockets.



The rebellious urges tend to erupt and spring forth apparently out of nowhere when Uranus is retrograde in someone's chart (and it is 5 months of the year). Uranus retrograde transit is a 155-day cycle in which the planet traverses four degrees backward through the zodiac each year. This is a period of inner transformation as a result of external changes in your life. The vaxed and anti-vaxes, liberals and conservatives, and city tensions are all extremely polarised in our world right now. If you don't look past the duality, some of these tensions will explode.


We all want everyone to be like us, yet variety is what makes the world survive and expand. The media is more interested in creating fighting and oppositions rather than allowing the beautiful mosaic of diversity to blossom.  Whatever happened to friendly discussions where we are fine accepting alternative views and do not have to unfriend people or stop talking to them because of their beliefs?  What is wrong with our world?  There is plenty of room for multiple viewpoints in this world.


The Uranus retrograde may cause a lot of internal turmoil and resentment at the status quo, and it can easily burst in the sign of Aries according to the best astrologer in India. The person does not realize how much revolt is developing until it bursts during the bubbling phase.


On a personal level, Uranus may spark rebellion in any ruts that need to be broken in our lives. If you have planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn at 18-22 degrees, you may be more compelled to make drastic adjustments to get out of these ruts. You may experience tension, restlessness, and impulsiveness as a result of the shock in this life.

Internal instability can lead to anxiety disorders, spasms, neurotic behavior or rapid personality changes, or great spurts of inventive action, and rebellious behavior.

Sunday, 19 September 2021

A Complete Guide to Astrology

 The date was 16th September, 2021. Truly a date I will remember for rest of my life. The launching ceremony of my book, A Complete Guide to Astrology.

Thanks T2 for covering it. Covered in Today's T2 of  The Telegraph. 

Here goes the link:-

Thursday, 16 September 2021

What is the Effect of Ketu When it Comes in the 3rd House?

Ketu or south node in astrology is often seen as a shadow that shall affect the house it sits in a twisted manner. Also known as the tail of the dragon, Ketu is closely connected with mystical forces via behavior, tendencies, and thoughts. It is often hard to predict what Ketu might brew in your birth chart.


As for Ketu in the 3rd house in your Kundali, it would influence your siblings’ connection with you. Along with it, your interests, habits, and inclinations are also affected by Ketu. Speak to the best astrologer in Kolkata to know if you have Ketu in the 3rd house of your Kundali. However, if you already hold the information, how Ketu in the third house affects various aspects of your life.


What affects Ketu in the third house?

Ketu is an intuitive planet and holds all sorts of problems and trouble when placed wrong or debilitated. However, there are certainly other factors as well that influence the placement in your natal chart. Let us have a look at them.


Sign lord of the third house:

Ketu in the third house shall show its effects according to the lord of the third house. In this case, it is Mercury. Ketu in the third house, shall enhance its ill effects on the house. You might find things hard when dealing with a career according to the best astrologer in Kolkata. Detachment with siblings and comparison feelings with them could be there too. With eccentric behavior, you shall also behave strangely and dominate in your relations.


Placement with Mars:

Ketu would act like Mars with Ketu in the 3rd house of your chart. Possessing all Martian traits, your desires, aggression, harshness, and irritation shall enhance. On one side, your presentation skills shall improve. However, on the other hand, you might become a victim of boastfulness and desperate desires.


Transit in the third house:

When Ketu shifts to the third house with the transit for 18 months, it shall associate with the third house for variable results. Obstacles, delays, and issues would surround you. You might confront problems in many final outcomes of life. There are even chances that Ketu in 3rd house might act as Marak in your Kundali.



Rahu in the ninth house:

There could be ill conjunction in your chart with Rahu in 9th house of your Kundali. You might wander around for happiness. If the balance isn’t there between Ketu and Rahu in the third and ninth house, you might even lose balance in your life. Gentleness and ill impressions and expressions might become your second name.


Positive effects of Ketu in 3rd house:

Ketu in the third house might not give many brilliant results. However, it might not be as bad as you think it is. Therefore, you would possess great results in the majority of aspects of your life. From marriage to finance, it would highly affect it all. You might achieve success in creative parts. With siblings, your relations would be stronger than imagined.


Combining the effects of Ketu with other planets would get you immense success professionally. An authoritative position in the workplace and beautiful behavior via habits would be there as well. You shall attain recognition with the support of your siblings and other family members. You will be a charitable and talented person with immense positivity and wealth surrounding you. With materialistic pleasure, you would also attain all sorts of luxuries.


Moreover, with Ketu in the 3rd house of your natal chart, you shall set a better example for people around you. Enlightenment will be there to high degrees. Enemies would stay away from you or would fail in their intentions of hurting you. Also, longevity and strength will come from within, and you shall also enjoy good food and different cuisines effortlessly.


Negative effects of Ketu in 3rd house:

Ketu is the planet with more malefic effects than benefic. And with Ketu in the 3rd house of your Kundali, you might suffer from many health ailments. Arm and shoulder troubles and mental issues like hallucination could be there too. There might also be chances that you suffer from despondent thought. Also, there could be times in life when you get into conflicts with siblings. Not just this, there could be loss or troubles with younger brothers and sisters as well.


Furthermore, with planet Ketu in third house, you might feel anxious about things in your life. Fearful thoughts and over-analysis about the future and related issues might surround you. Plus, misunderstandings and worries will be there all your life. You might run into useless controversies and fruitless discussions and regret the same later.



Ketu in third house remedies:

Dealing with the ill effects of Ketu in the 3rd house is very hard. Therefore for the same, you may look to these remedies if you are suffering from an afflicted case of Ketu in third house:


Flow off saffron or gram in flowing water to spare off from the malefic Ketu.

Put on Saffron tilak each day prior to leaving for work.

Moreover, you must wear gold jewelry either in hand, ear, neck, or nose to improve the financial conditions you possess and keep away from the ill effects of Ketu in the third house.

You can also float off wheat and jaggery along with rice and milk in the flowing water to wear off the effect of Ketu in your chart.

Attach a copper stone at your main entry’s door.

Wear double-color clothes for your vital things and on a daily basis as well.

Another remedy for Ketu in the 3rd house is to donate black and white-colored blankets at some religious place according to the famous astrologer in Kolkata.

Monday, 13 September 2021

The Kind of Enemy of the 12 Zodiac


We do not get along with everybody we meet in life. Some people stick to our liking immediately; some we learn to set aside our differences and tolerate others we simply do not like. However unhealthy it may be, everyone in this world has their enemies or haters. Not necessarily all are vindictive; some of the enemies may even exchange pleasantries on your face while bitching behind your back.


No matter how much the extent of hatred one might have for you, it is never a nice feeling to know that you have an enemy out there, who dislikes you for some reason or the other. However, it is always beneficial to know who your potential enemies could be.


So here we have, based on your zodiac moon sign, deciphered what kind of an enemy you will be, so others would know before crossing you. It is the suggestion by a famous astrologer in Delhi.


Zodiac Signs that are the worst enemies:


Aries is governed by the planet Mars and the aggression of this planet is well known. Aries natives are well known for their short-tempered and impulsiveness. They embrace fierce and passionate nature, being a fire sign. Aries natives generally have a large ego and are known to be quite arrogant. They can be very good friends and even better enemies. They hold grudges for a long time and it is not easy to get their forgiveness. They do not like to bow down and therefore it is not great to have Aries as an enemy according to the famous astrologer in Delhi.



Taurus natives are extremely stubborn and obstinate in their ways. They will argue with you till the end even if they realize mid-way that they might be wrong. They are very set in their ways and anyone who does not conform to their beliefs and understanding naturally becomes their enemies. Taurus however, will never get into a conflict with you but will hold the grudge deep inside. It is best not to reject their viewpoints because Taurus as an enemy is something you would not want.



Gemini natives are mostly easy-going and friendly. They are social beings who usually are full of themselves. Generally, Gemini natives get along with everyone as they are blessed with the gift of gab. But sometimes, they cannot get along with people because they are so wrapped up in their own thoughts or opinions that it can be difficult to hear those of others. But mostly, they are non-resenting people who are likely not to be your enemy.



As Cancer natives, their emotions run high. They are governed by the roller-coaster of emotions. They are sensitive and are likely to take things at face value, which causes them to get offended a lot. Cancer natives are likely to remember things of little importance and latch on to grudges and ill feelings. They make very bad enemies if you are in their bad books. They will bombard you with emotions and harsh words followed by apologies and aggression again. It can be quite draining to have a Cancer native as an enemy.



Being a fire sign, Leo natives are pushy, passionate, and always at the forefront. They do not like their authority to be undermined. If anyone challenges their power or ability, that does not sit well with the Leo natives. Leo knows their self-worth and will not tolerate having their worth being questioned. They are powerful and extremely egoistic. It is best not to make a Leo native your enemy because they can go to any extent to avenge themselves.



As an earth sign, they are pretty grounded and nurturing. But, they are extremely methodical, organized, and perfectionist. The worst trait of a Virgo native is that they are extremely critical. Virgo natives often get into an argument with those who are careless and do not value things. Virgo natives harbor a deep-rooted dislike for such people and they can’t see eye to eye with them. Though not harmful, Virgo natives can be critical and mean to you, if they do not like you.



Libra natives look forward to harmonious and peaceful situations all the time. Libra natives do not like people who are self-centered and think only about themselves. Libra is all about pleasantness and pleasing people. Though they will never be in direct conflict or confrontation with anyone, they will hold a feeling of dislike against people who make it difficult and too real. Libra natives are not threats as enemies, they are harmless.



Now, Scorpio natives are the ones who you should never have as enemies. Scorpio natives are intense, brooding, and are known to hold a grudge. They are dark and revengeful. Governed by the planet Mars, Scorpio natives hold passion, anger, and grudge within them for anyone who has ever wronged them. They do not forgive easily and will manipulate and get their revenge on those who have aggrieved them. Possibly, the worst enemy one could have.



They are easy-going and high-spirited people who value their independence and freedom a lot. However, if in any way, someone tries to restrict or curb the freedom of a Sagittarius native, they will not be spared. Sagittarius thrives on mobility and openness and any kind of restriction bums them. However, Sagittarius natives are brutally honest and don't like others who try to mince their words. Having said that, Sagittarius natives will never be your real enemy.



Most of the time, Capricorn natives mind their own business and are too full of themselves. They are busy being ambitious to give precedence to anything else. However, Capricorn natives are bitter losers. They are critical and if you can manage to anger a Capricorn native, you are in for a tough time. They neither forget nor forgive. They hold on to their grudges and believe in the ‘land of vindication’, where they are finally able to take revenge on their enemies. Pray never to make Capricorn natives your enemy by any chance or you is in for trouble.



Aquarius natives do not conform to anything traditional and are very progressive in their approach. They love their path to modernity. However, if someone opposes that and is being regressive, that does not sit well with the Aquarius natives. They are usually easy-going and friendly but if someone tries to interfere in their work or life, they can make the life of such people into a living hell.



According to best astrologer in Delhi, Pisces natives are known to be emotional, caring, and friendly. They avoid conflict and confrontation at any cost. Pisces are imaginative and dreamy but they are mostly harmless people. They will keep their hurt feelings to themselves and recoil in their own world. They try not to hurt anyone. Having said that, Pisces natives will never forget how someone made them feel, but they will eventually forgive those people who hurt or deceived them. Pisces natives do not make harmful enemies.


Sunday, 12 September 2021

How Astrology Affects Your Living Habit?

Vastu is an ancient science of style in which various principles are used for style and construction in the style of measurements thus creating an energy-efficient system by the famous astrologer in Delhi. Every building options a sure purpose that's to be achieved by using a house among the buildings.


Everything created in the world is created of some material that has some energy so as per the aim to realize the piece of land and material is chosen so as to develop an area having positive energy that helps the residents to attain their aim.


There is a topic of astrology that tells us regarding every answer to our life issues. So one in each of the only ways that during which to look at what is the matter and how to suppress the results is clearly celebrated by using clients’ horoscopes.


Astrology is the science of Prediction that provides us exact timings for Muhurtha to dogs, a foundation to start any variety of construction, and so on. The aim of Vastu is to align the energies and despite energies is created to be fruitful for the family.


Nowadays Science of Vastu is also used to remedize the pre-constructed buildings so on balance their energies thus on regain the fulfilment of needs whereas not demolition that depends on the balance of the five elements among the house said by the best astrologers in Delhi, additionally house entrance ought to be specifically elect on the concept of owners horoscope of house and a thorough info of the Birth Chart. Astro Vastu ideas are accustomed to do the Vastu of the premises while not demolishing; throughout that numerous aspects are balanced terribly merely and quickly.


The North-East corner of a house should be allotted to the temple. It gives peace and good mental health to the residents but if it is heavily loaded or kept dirty the residents suffer from hypertension, lack of peace and there is restriction in growth. In interior decoration this corner of each room should be kept empty or it should be very light according to the famous astrologer in Delhi.


North-East is the zone of water in Vastu. In interiors, fish aquariums or any water unit leaving a sharp North-East corner should be kept here. Electric switches/Electric meters should be avoided in the North East.


The South-East zone has been given to fire in Cosmic Science. Electric switches, T.V. and heater units should be fixed in this zone.


The North-West corner is very good for fans/coolers etc. as it is the "Vaayu (Air) zone" in Vastu.


The South-West zone in a house should always be heavily loaded and it should never be kept empty. If it is kept empty the residents suffer from undue tension, anger, lack of peace etc. In each room also this corner should be the most heavy.


The centre of the house unit should neither be depressed nor should it have any pit, tube-well or pillar. It should never be heavily loaded. On the contrary it should be neat and clean, totally empty and a bit elevated. In each room also the centre should never be loaded.


The desert plants if planted or kept in a house, give tension, problems of blood pressure, heart and memory. Cacti plants should be avoided in a residential unit. Also rubber plants should never be kept in a residential house.


Use of hot colours like red, dark yellow, orange etc in a house keeps the residents satisfied with their sexual lives. The cold colours in the bedroom give frigidity and sexual problems.


Keeping head towards South while sleeping in North-South direction or keeping head towards East while sleeping in East-West, one can get sound sleep, good balance of mind and normal blood pressure. The opposite conditions are negative with respect to health. This concept should also be taken into consideration during interiors.


The photographs depicting horror, terror and cruelty should not be exhibited in the house. Erotic photographs can be kept in the bedroom. Photographs of natural sceneries, gods and birds are lucky for the residents.


Weapon's should neither be exhibited nor kept in the North-East Zone of the house.


Showpieces and exhibits should be kept either in the North or in the East according to the best astrologer in Delhi.

Thursday, 9 September 2021

What Astrologers Say About the Ganesh Chaturthi?

Lord Ganesha is the Hindu God of wealth, sciences, knowledge, wisdom, and prosperity. Hindu devotees worship him and seek his blessings before the commencement of any new work. Ganesh Chaturthi is an auspicious festival among the Hindu community which is celebrated widely for 10 days each year.


Also known as the Vinayaka Chaturthi, it is a very colourful and exciting celebration to commemorate the birthday of Lord Ganesha. This 10-day long festival celebrates the homecoming of Lord Ganesha in the month of Bhadra. Lord Ganesha is also called Gajanana, Ganesh, Gajadant, which are among his 108 names.


According to the best astrologer in India, this festival falls in the month of Bhadra, which is in the month of August – September as per the Gregorian calendar. In 2021, Ganesh Chaturthi will be celebrated on September 10.


Auspicious time for Pooja:

The date of Ganesh Chaturthi falls on the fourth day of the waxing moon period (Shukla Chaturthi) in the Hindu lunar month of Bhadrapada. This is August or September each year. The festival is celebrated for 10 or 11 days according to the Hindu lunar calendar, with the biggest spectacle taking place on the last day called Anant Chaturdashi.



Lord Ganesha is the younger son of Lord Shiva and Parvati. There are various stories behind his birth but two of them are the most common ones.


According to the best astrologers in India, Lord Ganesha was created from the dirt of the body of Goddess Parvati. It is believed that one day, in the absence of Lord Shiva, when Goddess Parvati had gone to take bath, she created Ganesh to protect and provide security and privacy by guarding the bathroom door. When Lord Shiva returned and demanded to see Goddess Parvati, Ganesha stopped him. Angered, Lord Shiva got into a riff with him and severed his head from the body of Ganesha. When Parvati came to know about this, she was enraged and made Lord Shiva promise to get the child’s head back. Unable to find it, Lord Shiva then replaced the head of Ganesha with the head of an elephant. And that is how Lord Ganesha is said to have been born. This is also why he was named Gajanan.


Another legend is such that the Devas requested Shiva and Parvati to create Ganesha so that he can be a Vighnakarta (creator of obstacles) for Rakshasas (demons), thus being a Vighnaharta (averter of obstacles) and helping the Devas.


Importance of Ganesh Chaturthi:

It is believed that all those who pray dedicatedly to Lord Ganesha are able to fulfill all their wishes and dreams. They are set free of sins and it leads them on the path of knowledge and wisdom. Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated with pomp and show and on a grand scale, where people from all castes of the society can come together, pray, and be united. At home, Ganesh idols are installed and decorated with flowers and leaves. Offerings are made and poojas are organized.


Then, after a period of 10 days, the idols of Lord Ganesh are immersed in a water body in an attempt to bid farewell to his mortal journey. This is called the Visarjan. The visarjan is followed by loud chanting of "Ganpati Bappa Morya, Pudcha Varshi Lokar Ya", which means 'Lord Ganesha, come back soon next year.'


Sweets and savories like modak, jaggery, and coconut are offered to Lord Ganesha. It is believed that Lord Ganesh loves modak, a sweet dumpling made from rice flour mixed with coconut and jaggery. This offering is made to the idol as Bhog.


Talking about food and Prashad, you might be interested to find out which food items or cuisines suit you the best.

Celebrations and Rituals:

The festival of Ganesh Chaturthi begins with Pranapratishhtha, where the mantras are chanted by a priest. Offerings that are loved by Lord Ganesha are placed in front of his idol. These include modak, shrikhand, payasam, coconut rice, motichoor laddoo, and other sweets. Devotees visit temples and special pandals set up for Ganesh Chaturthi to pay their respects to Lord Ganesha.


People also sometimes choose to bring Ganapati idols home ahead of the festival and host them for the 10-day festivities. On the Visarjan day, devotees pay respect to him as he is seen off, taking all our worries away and leaving blessings behind.




How to worship Lord Ganesha during this festival:

First, it is important to cleanse your body by taking a bath in the name of God, which is said to wash away the sins and miseries of life. It perpetuates happiness, health and wealth, and brings you children and salvation according to the best astrologer in Kolkata.

The second practice is to offer white flowers to the gods in order to bring success and fame.

The third ritual would be to offer grass as it is said to bring good luck, prosperity, and children.

Fourth, offer vermilion or Sindoor to the Gods so as to bring good fortune.

Fifth, households must light incense sticks as it brings fame. Sixth, devotees should offer sweets and laddoos to Lord Ganesh as it will help you fulfill your desires.

Lastly, Mantra Pushpanjali or offering of flowers is made to Lord Ganesha to ask for forgiveness for the mistakes one has made.