Sunday, 27 February 2022

What Does the 7 Phases of Marriage Defines As Per the Best Astrologer in Kolkata?

According to the best astrologer in Kolkata, marriage between two spirits is a sacred endeavour. It structures past one lifetime and may continue up to in any occasion seven lives.For any religion or culture, social associations are a big soul-changing part of a person's existence.


It denotes one's actual passage into adulthood, indicating that the person being referred to is capable of embracing the risk of another person's thriving. The truly genuine Vedic Hindu Wedding Rituals are at the heart of every prominent, liberal Indian wedding administration.


The authenticity of what marriage entails is maintained by the 13 difficult stages of the genuine Hindu wedding administration. Every formal has its own unique centrality that cannot be ignored.

What is the historical reasoning of marriage?

Matches are formed in heaven, as the best astrologers in Kolkata have proved. The woman and the man make seven promises or pledges to each other for a prosperous life, which are guaranteed.


The woman and the lucky man sit under the Mandap for this custom when the wedding arrives. The usual Home puja performed by the priests is lighted close to the consecrated fire. The fundamental custom in a Hindu wedding is the Seven Vows, which are related to the Seven Phases. Because it promotes attachment and provides societal validation to marriage.


What is the astrological aspect of marriage?

Each precise function was meticulously matched by astrology. The presence of the sacred fire around which the couple performs the '7 fere' symbolises the planet Sun. The sacred sun God, according to a well-known Indian astrologer, bears witness to the newly married couple's new personal existence.


Not only that, but the seven promises also include cow excrement, ghee, rice, and camphor. Shukra, Mangal, Brihaspati, and Budh are the planets of Shukra, Mangal, Brihaspati, and Budh, respectively.


Disentangling wedding dates is a particular artistic feature that revolves around the positions of planets at the hour of major decisions in people's daily lives.When to get married is another question that everyone wants to know the answer to, whether they are affluent or poor, thoughtful or social butterflies. Isn't it time to prove that the age of marriage is a myth?


The key planet that should be checked, according to the best astrologer in India, is Shukra or Venus, the planet of adoration. Venus in Taurus, Libra, is particularly favourable. It isn't compelling in Scorpio or Aries, in any case. Venus rules Taurus, Sagittarius, and Libra, all of which are excellent hostesses.


For the First Vow:

"Om eshaekapadi bhava itiprathaman," says the Groom. 'For what it's worth, you'll provide me with nutrition and assistance.' I will hold you in high regard and provide you and our young with government aid and fulfilment.' As a result, a powerful woman appears: "dhanamdhanyampadevadet." 'I am accountable for the home and all family members, as well as any financial and asset obligations.' In a minimalistic sense, the woman and her spouse offer significant importance to each other by performing their unique roles in their life.

For the Second Vow:

The man then makes the following promise: "om oorjejaradastayaha," which means "Together, we shall ensure our home and young people." As a result, the Bride promises "kutumburnrakshayishyammisaaravindharam," which means "I will be near as your psychological guts and qualities." I'll join you in your joy. As a result, you will only value me.'


During the Third Vow:

"Om rayassantujoradastayaha," the Groom adds, implying, "May we become affluent and prosperous, and may we succeed in preparing our offspring, and may our children live long." Following that, the Bride promises, "tava bhakti as vadedachacha," which means, "I will adore you exclusively for the remainder portion of my life, as you are my soul mate." Every other man in my life is going to be a helper. I promise to be unobtrusive'.


During the Fourth Vow:

The Groom says, "om mayo bhavyasjaradastaya ha," which means, "You have brought blessings into my life and completed me." As a result of this promise, the Bride declares "lalayami cha padevadet," which means "I shall bring you ecstasy from head to toe." I'll do my best to accommodate you in every way I can.


For the Fifth Vow:

"om prajabhyahasantujaradastayaha," the Groom adds, implying, "You are my best friend and staunchest well-wisher." You've entered my life and propelled it forward. 'May God bless you.' The Bride responds, "artearbasapadevadet," meaning "I promise to venerate and regard you for as long as I live." Your happiness is my happiness, and your sorrow is my sorrow. I will respect and trust you, and I will make every effort to satisfy all of your desires.'

During the Sixth Vow:

"Rutubhyah crapped padi bhava," the Groom inquires, "you have made me indescribably thrilled with enormous happiness since you have taken six steps with me." Will you always be so generous as to make me ecstatically happy like this?' The Bride responds, "yajna homshashthevachovadet," which means "I will be reliably close."


For the Last and Seventh Vow:

In this pledge, the Groom says “Om sakhijaradastayahga”, by which he proclaims ‘We are by and by a couple and will be one. You are mine and I am yours for time never-ending.’ The Bride recognizes this pronouncement and says “Attramshesakshinovadetpade”, which connotes ‘As God is onlooker, I am as of now your life partner. We will adore, regard and fortune each other until the cows come home.


'A man isn't considered immaculate unless he is married to a mate, who is the genuine wellspring of the Purusharthas, of Dharma, Artha, and Kama, and even of Moksha.' Those who have mates can fulfil their due tasks in this world (Kriyavantah), those who have spouses can actually live an everyday existence, and those who have wives can have a full presence, according to a prominent Indian astrologer.

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