Astronomy and religion have long had a tight relationship,
especially in the early days of astronomy. According to the top astrologer
in Kolkata Many ancient cultures' archaeological evidence suggests that
celestial bodies were worshipped during the Stone and Bronze Ages. Northern
European amulets and stone walls portray constellation groupings that
correspond to their historical placements, notably circumpolar constellations.
These can be dated back 30,000–40,000 years.
With the Greek astronomer Anaxagoras, the first recorded clash
between religious orthodoxy and astronomy occurred. His conviction was based on
his views that the heavenly bodies were the outcome of an evolutionary process
and that the sun was a big blazing stone (rather than the god Helios). He was
accused of disobeying established religious ideas.
Despite being acquitted, he was compelled to retire. During the
Renaissance, as science progressed, scientific scientists' secular ideals were
met with Christian orthodoxy's hostility. The most famous such struggle was
that of Galileo Galilei, who was accused of heresy and convicted by the
Inquisition. Many astronomers, on the other hand, were deeply religious, and
they struggled to reconcile their beliefs with the findings made after the
advent of the telescope.
Heliocentrism and Geocentrism:
The concept of heliocentric holds that the sun is at the centre
of the universe, and that all planets rotate around it. The famous
astrologer in Kolkata, this is in contrast togeocentrism, which holds
that the Earth is the centre of the cosmos, with the sun at its centre and all
other planets orbiting it. During the period of Plato, Aristotle, Ptolemy, and
other astronomers, the geocentric paradigm was widely accepted. This concept
was based on astronomical measurements as well as religious beliefs of the
time. Nicolaus Copernicus proposed an alternative model with the sun at the
centre of the universe, which was later supported by astronomers such as Galileo
Galilei and Johannes Kepler.
This model was based on observation as well, but it included the
use of a newly developed telescope as well as various mathematical observations
that resulted in elliptical orbits. These models were not recognized by a
culture dominated by the Catholic Church at the time, and these astronomers
faced heavy criticism from both the church and others around them.
Tammaso Cassini said that the bible contradicted the earth's
circling around the sun. One example given was when God blocked the sun for
Joshua in Joshua 10. It was also stated that because God would put his greatest
creation at the centre of the cosmos, shifting the Earth away from the centre
diminished the magnificence of his creation.
Galileo and Religion:
Galileo's Sidereus Nuncius, published in 1610 and sanctioned by
the Holy Office, drew a lot of attention. This text details his observations
with the telescope, including descriptions of Jupiter's moons and the Moon's
By 1616, the Holy Office, popularly known as the Inquisition,
had condemned the Copernican hypothesis, as well as Galileo's publications. If
science did not support the Bible, it was not to be taught. Galileo's
best-selling Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems was banned by
1633. He renounced his heliocentric and was condemned to life in prison with
house confinement.
Pope John Paul II established a committee to investigate
Galileo's trial 400 years after his death, and Galileo was pardoned.
Newton and Religion:
Newton was a devout Catholic. Newton decided against becoming a
clergyman after concluding that the Holy Trinity could not exist since Jesus
could not be equal to God. He was still a firm believer in the Bible, to the
point where breaking the first commandment was as bad as leaving Cambridge.
Newton did not feel that faith and science were mutually exclusive, and he
based his work on the Bible. Because of his goal to connect science and
scripture, he was assailed by society and the church when he wrote the
Principia while studying astronomy, and he quickly moved on to other works
after being unable to handle the criticism from his colleagues.
Newton turned to alchemy, guiding his work with Greek tales, and
became renowned less for his work in astronomy, where he invented the
reflecting telescope, and more for his work in constructing a scientific
technique and his gravity laws.
In both its beliefs and practices, astrology can be considered
religious. Theoretical, practical, and societal aspects of astrology are all
tracked using a standard definition of religion. The Western underpinnings of
astrology can be traced back to Plato's tale of creation, Timeous.
Through the eyes of the top astrologer in India, Astrology
depicts the Greek concept of a linked cosmos by demonstrating a linkage between
God's greater universe (macrocosm) and humanity's smaller world (microcosm).
Astrology's physical, metaphorical, symbolic, and perceptual ties to nature
give rise to its practice as a nature religion. At each person's birth, the
confluence of time and location creates a 'axis of placement,' which connects
them to the natural world.
Tracking the sun, moon, and planets; ceremonial participation in
natural cycles; and treating nature as sacred are all examples of astrological
rituals. Astrology has an unstructured organizational structure, no coherent
theory, and few obvious institutional ties from a sociological standpoint.
Despite being recognized as a science throughout its history,
astrology is largely regarded today as being diametrically opposed to modern Western
science's findings and views.
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