Thursday, 10 November 2022

Mercury Signs: How You Communicate, Learn and Get Things Done

The zodiac sign Mercury was travelling through when you were born is your “Mercury sign. Knowing your Mercury sign—and other people’s—can help you express your thoughts in the most digestible way possible, according to the best astrologer in Kolkata.


Mercury in Aries (or the 1st House):

You tend to:

1.Think on the fly, always having “a-ha” moments.

2.Speak without thinking Prefer quick, bite-sized ideas

3. Be in the moment—you don’t dwell on the past or get nostalgic.


How you might best process information:

1. Quick, bite sized bullet points.

2. With the promise of excitement and adventure.


Productivity Tips:

1. Make projects and goals into challenge to stoke your competitive side.

2. Reserve the right to do some part of a project “your way”.


Mercury in Taurus (or the 2nd House):

You tend to:

1. Be a common sense person.

2. Evaluate ideas for their “return on investment”.

3. Works best in a predictable, secure environment.


How you might best process information:

1. With clear, step-by-step instructions.

2. Through concrete evidence

3. When you understand what the clear desired outcome is.


Productivity Tips:

1.Create an “operations manual” for your work (and life!).

2. Make a binder with step-by-step instructions for how to do essential tasks, operate all the equipment, etc.



Mercury in Gemini (or the 3rd House):

You tend to:

1. Mercury is in its “home” sign in Gemini (and Virgo).

2. Be a quick talker and thinker.

3. Speed through books, articles, information and process it in half the time.


How you might best process information:

1. Through quick, get-to-the-point bullets.

2. With clever turns of phrase

3. Through multimedia, chat and text.


Productivity Tips:

1. Got to frequent classes, workshops and discussion groups

2. Don’t try to turn every hobby or interest into a career—but do cultivate your talents to satisfy your appetite for variety.


Mercury in Cancer (or the 4th House):

You tend to:

1. Be sensitive to others’ feelings and needs in a group—the office “mom”.

2. Take things personally

3. Have a high “E.Q.” and emotional intelligence.


How you might best process information:

1. When it’s presented with a personal touch—and introduced gently.

2. Through your emotions and intuition.


Productivity Tips:

1. Keep your “support squad” nearby to cheer you on (and up)

2. Have all your creature comforts around—snacks, comfy clothes, tea, music.


Mercury in Leo (or the 5th House):

You tend to:

1. Love big, bold ideas that are delivered with a creative flourish.

2. Thrive on a challenge, especially if it’s fun.

3. Have a strong sense of color and design.


How you might best process information:

1. When it’s presented with fun and play.

2. Through storytelling, visuals and personal examples—especially ones you can relate to yourself.


Productivity Tips:

Get regular doses of Vitamin F (Fun). Make work into a game to keep yourself motivated. The bigger and bling-ier the prizes, the better!



Mercury in Virgo (or the 6th House):

You tend to:

1. Mercury is in its “home” sign in Virgo (and Gemini).

2. Be a linear or systematic thinker, according to the famous astrologer in Kolkata.

3. Want to plan and schedule everything.

How you might best process information:

1. With data, facts and figures…but also when it relates to human nature.

2. When it’s simplified and to the point.


Productivity Tips :

Geek out! Set up your space with all your materials, tools, books, etc. and

Surround yourself with other smart people—brains equal beauty!


Mercury in Libra (or the 7th House):

You tend to:

1.  Take forever to make a decision or even figure out how you really feel about a topic.

2. Hate to argue.


How you might best process information:

1. Through dialogue! In a give-and-take or back-and-forth discussion.

2. By understanding how an idea will affect not only you, but the other people around you.


Productivity Tips:

1. Think “dynamic duos.” Libra rules relationship and pairs, so you thrive using the buddy system.

2. Work with a coach or mentor who can keep you on track when you get off-balance.



Mercury in Scorpio (or the 8th House):

You tend to:

1. Do nothing halfway.

2. Deep-dive into concentration and intense bursts of productivity.

3. Love puzzles, solving problems, figuring out how things work.


How you might best process information:

When left alone to absorb information uninterrupted.

If a little is left to mystery for you to solve or discover.


Productivity Tips:

1. Tune out distractions—laser beam Scorpio needs to focus, so carve out a sacred space where you can work uninterrupted, through the eyes of the top astrologer in India.

2. Find other obsessive people to work around. Because you dive in so deep, you can get isolated.


Mercury in Sagittarius (or the 9th House):

You tend to:

1. Love big, bold ideas with a major impact.

2. Take risks and leaps of faith—but can also leap without looking.


How you might best process information:

1. When you know what the “big idea” behind it is.

2. In a “laugh and learn” way—fun and humour must be part of the equation.


Productivity Tips:

1. Be a lifelong learner: take lots of classes, join discussion groups, make life into a fun study hall.

2. Travel! With Mercury in this global sign, combine learning with retreats.

Mercury in Capricorn (or the 10th House):

You tend to:


1. Like a clear, simple plan without fluff or frills.

2. Be a get-to-the-point person who likes facts more than feelings.

How you might best process information:

1. In a linear, structured way that makes sense.

2. As part of a larger system—how does this fit into the big-picture goal?


Productivity Tips:

1. Identify the big goal and reverse-engineer your action steps.

2. Reward yourself. You tend to sacrifice and go, go, go until you  burn out. Make it a non-negotiable to treat yourself to some earthly pleasures as a payoff for your hard work!



Mercury in Aquarius (or the 11th House):

You tend to:

 1.      Be witty, entertaining and the “class clown” type.

2. Opinion-poll your crew for feedback regularly.


How you might best process information:

1. When you’re able to run it by your trusted circle and get their feedback.

2. Through multimedia or technology.


Productivity Tips:

Create a mastermind! Aquarius is the sign of groups and you thrive in collaborative settings.



Mercury in Pisces (or the 12th House):

You tend to:

1. Get absorbed in your thoughts and creativity and lose track of time.

2. Treat feelings as facts, blur the line between thoughts and emotions.



How you might best process information:

1. With music, poetry, visuals and artistic touches.

2. Working in a beautiful, serene and spiritual setting—out in nature or in your favorite peaceful sanctuary.

Productivity Tips:

Let yourself “sleep on it”—literally! Pisces rules dreams and the subconscious and your mind will digest and integrate ideas while you rest.

Meditate, either with a guided recording or in a sacred space you create.

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