Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Some People Think Astrology is a Science- Here’s Why!


According to the best astrologer in Delhi, Astrology is based on the belief that stars and planets have some influence over human affairs and happenings on Earth. Horoscopes, on the other hand, are an astrologer's interpretation of a person's life based on the relative positions of stars and planets.

These forecasts are read all across the world on a regular basis. According to the Welcome Trust Monitor Survey, 21% of persons in the United Kingdom read their horoscopes "on a regular basis" or "quite frequently."

Many people, without a doubt, check their horoscopes for enjoyment or as a topic of conversation. However, some people believe that astrological forecasts are scientifically true and that astrology is a valid tool to analyse human behaviour. Over the last 40 years, a remarkable amount of scientific research has been conducted to assess the claims of astrology. Such claims are unsupported by evidence.

If citizens make critical life decisions based on completely incorrect astrological predictions, this should be cause for alarm. People may, for example, choose a potential marriage partner based on their astrological sign. This is a common occurrence in India. Some people may make hasty financial judgments based on their luck.

It turns out, reassuringly, that the amount of people in the United Kingdom who believe horoscopes are scientific is quite modest. According to the Welcome Trust Monitor survey, less than 10% of people believe horoscopes are "extremely" or "very" scientific. In the European Union as a whole, a similar share believes the same. When we ask them if they believe astrology is scientific, however, we get a different picture. A randomly selected half of respondents in a Eurobarometer poll of attitudes toward science and technology were asked how scientific they thought astrology was.

The findings reveal a startling gap in viewpoints. Through the eyes of the best vedic astrologer in India, Astrology is regarded as "extremely scientific" by more than 25% of respondents, whereas horoscopes are regarded as "highly scientific" by only 7%. I examined the idea that individuals get confused between astrology and astronomy, and that this is what accounts for broad apparent trust in astrology's scientific rank in a study I did a few years ago. Even well-known national publications have been known to make this error.


People were also asked how scientific they thought various activities were in my survey. Astronomy was one of them. After correcting for age, gender, and education, I observed

that persons who thought astronomy was very scientific were also quite likely to say the same about astrology, using a statistical approach called as regression analysis. This indicates that there is a conceptual misunderstanding concerning these concepts among the general population.

In the same study, I was curious to see if there were any additional reasons why some Europeans believe astrology is scientific while others do not. The first explanation I considered was people's educational levels and scientific expertise.

Take things as they are:

The most exciting discovery, however, is based on an idea proposed more than 50 years ago by German sociologist Theodore Adorno. In 1952, Adorno read an astrological column in the Los Angeles Times. He calls astrology a "metaphysic of dunces," claiming that "a climate of semi-erudition is the fertile nesting ground for astrology and the rest of occultism."

However, the link found between astrology and authoritarianism, fascism, and modern capitalism is particularly intriguing (remember that this was in the aftermath of WWII and the Holocaust). Astrology, according to Adorno, emphasised conformity and respect to a higher authority. "Take things as they are, because you are fated for them regardless," as some researchers put it. In short, Adorno argued that "astrological ideology" is similar to "authoritarian personality mentality."

People who have a high level of authoritarianism have a blind devotion to traditional notions about right and wrong, as well as a strong regard for recognised authorities. They are also individuals who are more lenient about punishing those who do not conform to conventional thinking and hostile toward those who do not.

Important facts:

If this hypothesis is right, we should expect people who value conformity and obedience to be more inclined to believe in astrology's claims. A question in the Eurobarometer poll asked participants how essential they believed "obedience" was as a value that children should acquire (by chance). This question served as an approximate gauge of whether a survey respondent was more or less authoritarian in their viewpoint.

I also conducted regression analysis to examine if there was a correlation between people's responses to this question and their attitudes toward astrology. People who place a high value on compliance as a virtue (more authoritarian) are more inclined to believe that astrology is scientific, as Adorno predicted in 1953. This is true independent of a person's age, education, scientific expertise, gender, political or religious beliefs.

On the one hand, it appears that horoscopes and astrological predictions are only harmless fun for the majority of people. On the other hand, people's willingness to believe in astrology is at least partly explained by their knowledge of science, as well as their personality qualities. These variables could be beneficial in deciphering ideas in a variety of pseudoscientific domains.

However, according to the best astrologer in Kolkata, it is their belief, not the astrology, that makes them feel better. Many pseudoscientific treatments, such as crystal healing and homoeopathy, rely on the placebo effect to aid individuals. Believing in a treatment that doesn't work may be beneficial but believing in one that does is much better. Sticking to scientifically proven treatments allows you to get the benefits of both belief and therapy action.

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